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Would YOU go to the gym?
Posted by: p8712
Date: March 02, 2022 12:05PM
Florida. Swimming, indoors, either early morning (5am) or late (9:30pm). My therapist keeps harping on me about exercise and going to the gym. Can't wear a mask when in the water, obviously, and live next door, so I'm not around too long inside. I'm seldomly out in public otherwise, and always careful. 3 doses, obviously.

No mask laws here. No one wears masks anymore except me - N95s in public. Mask wearing is even getting lax at my work. In the intensive care ward. Of the Hospital. With 'medical professionals'. Sigh.
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Re: Would YOU go to the gym?
Posted by: mattkime
Date: March 02, 2022 12:08PM
Swimming should be fine. If your doctor says you need exercise, you likely need exercise

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Re: Would YOU go to the gym?
Posted by: Tiangou
Date: March 02, 2022 12:09PM
I'm not ready to go to the gym.

(Nor the movies, nor anyplace indoors and potentially crowded.)

If you're in Florida, you've got plenty of opportunity for outdoor recreation. Why not go out for a walk/jog?

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Re: Would YOU go to the gym?
Posted by: Dennis S
Date: March 02, 2022 12:18PM
I still won’t go to a gym, concert, or restaurant, even with a mask.
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Re: Would YOU go to the gym?
Posted by: wave rider
Date: March 02, 2022 12:34PM
Can you find an outdoor pool or go ocean swimming? Just a thought…

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Re: Would YOU go to the gym?
Posted by: vision63
Date: March 02, 2022 12:37PM
People are still catching Covid so, I'm not gonna be the guy to dodge it for 2 long years and then all of a sudden catch it and perish from it. I'm not as vigilant as I once was since I go out to eat and shop. I'm trying not to judge people that are more lax because we're all tired of wearing masks. I don't think everybody that doesn't wear them all the time is being political about it. I'm not going to encounter a store clerk or some other worker and assume they're cool with me not wearing a mask. I'm gonna respect them.
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Re: Would YOU go to the gym?
Posted by: davemchine
Date: March 02, 2022 12:47PM
We decided to forgo the gym and invested in some home equipment. My wife enjoys doing youtube exercise video's and the only equipment she needed was some barbells which I picked up at a good price thanks to forum posts. I bought a nice barbell rack to organize them. I also bought a really nice set of rubber bands in different weights and put anchors into the wall. So it's possible to exercise at home without dedicating alot of money or space.

Now we did go further and added a bike and treadmill and that was fairly expensive and it uses space. When my back feels good I'm on the treadmill and when my back is bad I'm on the bike. I wouldn't mind a stair step machine but I'm not ready to go further.

BTW the exercise video's Apple offers are pretty decent for $60/year and the only equipment they need is barbells I think.

Ukulele music I couldn't find anywhere else.
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Re: Would YOU go to the gym?
Posted by: pRICE cUBE
Date: March 02, 2022 12:50PM
COVID 19 isn’t done messing people up. Plenty of exercise options for home that are relatively cheap. I miss playing volleyball but I like being healthy more. Craigslist is always full of fitness equipment.

Ways to improve web conference image and sound quality. []

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Re: Would YOU go to the gym?
Posted by: mrbigstuff
Date: March 02, 2022 01:22PM
Yes. I tried a year ago and didn't feel comfortable. Now, I think I desperately need the activity for my health and numbers have really plummeted for positives here.

And I recall in spring
The perfume that the air would bring
To the indolent town
Where the barkers call the moon down
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Re: Would YOU go to the gym?
Posted by: abevilac
Date: March 02, 2022 02:50PM
Florida. Swimming, indoors, either early morning (5am) or late (9:30pm). My therapist keeps harping on me about exercise and going to the gym. Can't wear a mask when in the water, obviously, and live next door, so I'm not around too long inside.

Swimming is such great exercise; given that the place is next door, I would check out how many people are in the building at the hours you mentioned. You might be surprised at how many pool addicts there are at 5a. (My husband swam at 5 am before work for 25 years.)

I read recently in the Nyt that gyms generally have really good air refresh rates especially in their larger spaces — like a pool? (Btw, the author said he now goes to his gym.)

So, maybe skip the locker room and go directly to the pool and try to find a less popular time. If it doesn’t matter, I’d go with the early time since the air in the building would definitely be cleared out overnight.

Just my opinion.
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Re: Would YOU go to the gym?
Posted by: davemchine
Date: March 02, 2022 03:01PM
I picked up a pickle ball set for $65 off Amazon this week. Then I read an article in AARP saying pickle ball started in 1965 as a sport for older people and later became popular among younger people. Funny. I'm hoping to give it a try soon. Outside courts and temperature is getting up to around mid 50's during the day so it should be comfortable.

Ukulele music I couldn't find anywhere else.
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Re: Would YOU go to the gym?
Posted by: jdc
Date: March 02, 2022 03:23PM
Dennis S
I still won’t go to a gym, concert, or restaurant, even with a mask.

We have been to all those, multiple times. Plus Disneyland, Hawaii vacation. All fine.

Maybe its regional. Check your counties covid rates? We had 11 "new" cases yesterday. In a huge county. those cases could be 1 mile or 96 miles away

Edited 999 time(s). Last edit at 12:08PM by jdc.
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Re: Would YOU go to the gym?
Posted by: RecipeForDisaster
Date: March 02, 2022 03:43PM
I want to go to the climbing gym but am not ready, for reasons mentioned above. I’m less ready now that masks are not required and I’d have to wear an N95 while climbing, because no one else would be wearing a mask. Still no indoor dining or shows or any kind for me.
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Re: Would YOU go to the gym?
Posted by: Lemon Drop
Date: March 02, 2022 03:52PM
Florida. Swimming, indoors, either early morning (5am) or late (9:30pm). My therapist keeps harping on me about exercise and going to the gym. Can't wear a mask when in the water, obviously, and live next door, so I'm not around too long inside.

Swimming is such great exercise; given that the place is next door, I would check out how many people are in the building at the hours you mentioned. You might be surprised at how many pool addicts there are at 5a. (My husband swam at 5 am before work for 25 years.)

I read recently in the Nyt that gyms generally have really good air refresh rates especially in their larger spaces — like a pool? (Btw, the author said he now goes to his gym.)

So, maybe skip the locker room and go directly to the pool and try to find a less popular time. If it doesn’t matter, I’d go with the early time since the air in the building would definitely be cleared out overnight.

Just my opinion.

I'm with this. I started going to our Y about a month ago and also take my 80 year old Mom. They have excellent protocols and I feel very safe there. The number of people allowed in is restricted, you have to reserve in advance. The equipment has been spaced out and is cleaned throughout the day, ventilation improved. Has been masks required but that may change.


Everything is a risk analysis, for me this one comes pit as worth it.
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Re: Would YOU go to the gym?
Posted by: RAMd®d
Date: March 02, 2022 04:34PM
I am slowly becoming a hermit. Would rather wait to watch movies are home with all the drinks and snacks
I want. The public is overrated.


While I do prefer the big screen experience, the lack of matinee pricing would make it a deal breaker for me.

The last time I actually went to a movie was to see No Time to Die.

The IMAX experience was hugely disappointing and expensive to boot, but I was one of six people in theater.

With advanced booking of reserved seating, it's easy to see what the 'crowd' is like by booking late, at the risk of not getting my perfect seat.

That also makes catching a 'double feature' less problematic.

But it'll take Top Gun: Maverick to get me back into big screen time.

I want to join a gym, but that's not happening for some undetermined time, so it's walks and exercise at home.

In Safeway yesterday, maybe 50% of the people were masked.

And some guy walks in with his pit bull, and it's ok, due to CA's worthless laws about service animals.

It's no so much the pit itself, but I seldom trust owners, and by extension, their dogs.

I haven't resigned myself to solely ordering takeaway yet, but yeah, people suck.

I am that Masked Man.

All you can do, is all you can do.

There’s trouble — it's time to play the sound of my people.

Your boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what you cheer for.

Insisting on your rights without acknowledging your responsibilities isn’t freedom, it’s adolescence.

I've been to the edge of the map, and there be monsters.

We are a government of laws, not men.

Everybody counts or nobody counts.

When a good man is hurt,
all who would be called good
must suffer with him.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

You and I have memories longer than the road that stretches out ahead.

There is no safety for honest men except
by believing all possible evil of evil men.

We don’t do focus groups. They just ensure that you don’t offend anyone, and produce bland inoffensive products. —Sir Jonathan Ive

An armed society is a polite society.
And hope is a lousy defense.

You make me pull, I'll put you down.

I *love* SIGs. It's Glocks I hate.
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Re: Would YOU go to the gym?
Posted by: Marc Anthony
Date: March 02, 2022 05:18PM
Are there trails near you? Walking is great exercise. Laxity with wearing masks in the ICU for a State with a high rate of current infections is very concerning for licensed persons with a duty of care. If you’re seeing that, you need to report it.

Le poète doit vivre beaucoup, vivre dans tous les sens. - Verlaine
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Re: Would YOU go to the gym?
Posted by: p8712
Date: March 02, 2022 05:47PM
Walk 5-8 miles per day at work. NO MORE WALKING.
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Re: Would YOU go to the gym?
Posted by: mattkime
Date: March 02, 2022 06:18PM
Walk 5-8 miles per day at work. NO MORE WALKING.

Is there something in particular your doctor wants you to address if you're already getting that amount of walking?

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Re: Would YOU go to the gym?
Posted by: Filliam H. Muffman
Date: March 02, 2022 06:36PM
July 3rd 2021 was the last time I thought it was relatively safe to go out in public. Back then the rolling average locally was 6 17 new infections per day in the county. It just got down to 16 51, so it is getting close to feeling safe again.

Vaccinated and boosted (switched to Moderna from Jannsen). A second booster at 4 months (early April) should make me as safe as I will ever be.

edit: daily low, not rolling average.

In tha 360. MRF User Map

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/02/2022 06:38PM by Filliam H. Muffman.
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Re: Would YOU go to the gym?
Posted by: p8712
Date: March 02, 2022 06:53PM
Walk 5-8 miles per day at work. NO MORE WALKING.

Is there something in particular your doctor wants you to address if you're already getting that amount of walking?

It's exercise. For ADHD. Low/no impact and something I'm interested in.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/02/2022 07:01PM by p8712.
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Re: Would YOU go to the gym?
Posted by: Racer X
Date: March 03, 2022 06:03AM
Walk 5-8 miles per day at work. NO MORE WALKING.

My mom averaged 7 miles a day as an RN. Explains why older nurses frequently get new knees.

“A sword never kills anybody; it is a tool in the killer's hand.” Seneca the Younger

The police have no duty to respond. See Castle Rock v. Gonzales, 545 U.S. 748 (2005) or Warren v. District of Columbia[1] (444 A.2d. 1, D.C. Ct. of Ap. 1981)

Judge Lee wrote that “we cannot jettison our constitutional rights, even if the goal behind a law is laudable." 9th Circuit Court of Appeals

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Re: Would YOU go to the gym?
Posted by: Numo
Date: March 03, 2022 07:00PM
I like local walks for exercise but winter can be pretty discouraging around here.
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Re: Would YOU go to the gym?
Posted by: RAMd®d
Date: March 03, 2022 08:16PM
I like walking and do so, weather permitting, not gung ho rain or shine, though.

There were times when I did a fair amount of walking at work, but it really doesn't compare to getting out and doing a causal 20m.mi for an hour or so.

One knee isn't too fond of trails, so it's fairly level, smooth ground for me.

I am that Masked Man.

All you can do, is all you can do.

There’s trouble — it's time to play the sound of my people.

Your boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what you cheer for.

Insisting on your rights without acknowledging your responsibilities isn’t freedom, it’s adolescence.

I've been to the edge of the map, and there be monsters.

We are a government of laws, not men.

Everybody counts or nobody counts.

When a good man is hurt,
all who would be called good
must suffer with him.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

You and I have memories longer than the road that stretches out ahead.

There is no safety for honest men except
by believing all possible evil of evil men.

We don’t do focus groups. They just ensure that you don’t offend anyone, and produce bland inoffensive products. —Sir Jonathan Ive

An armed society is a polite society.
And hope is a lousy defense.

You make me pull, I'll put you down.

I *love* SIGs. It's Glocks I hate.
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Re: Would YOU go to the gym?
Posted by: macphanatic
Date: March 04, 2022 06:57AM
An indoor pool has to be one of the safest indoor places. The air is loaded with chlorine. Low grade stainless steel rusts. Humidity reduces the distance that anything airborne can travel. Mask up to and from.
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Re: Would YOU go to the gym?
Posted by: kj
Date: March 04, 2022 12:36PM
Lemon Drop
Florida. Swimming, indoors, either early morning (5am) or late (9:30pm). My therapist keeps harping on me about exercise and going to the gym. Can't wear a mask when in the water, obviously, and live next door, so I'm not around too long inside.

Swimming is such great exercise; given that the place is next door, I would check out how many people are in the building at the hours you mentioned. You might be surprised at how many pool addicts there are at 5a. (My husband swam at 5 am before work for 25 years.)

I read recently in the Nyt that gyms generally have really good air refresh rates especially in their larger spaces — like a pool? (Btw, the author said he now goes to his gym.)

So, maybe skip the locker room and go directly to the pool and try to find a less popular time. If it doesn’t matter, I’d go with the early time since the air in the building would definitely be cleared out overnight.

Just my opinion.

I'm with this. I started going to our Y about a month ago and also take my 80 year old Mom. They have excellent protocols and I feel very safe there. The number of people allowed in is restricted, you have to reserve in advance. The equipment has been spaced out and is cleaned throughout the day, ventilation improved. Has been masks required but that may change.


Everything is a risk analysis, for me this one comes pit as worth it.

agree smiley
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