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DeathSantis asks students to remove their masks
Posted by: Ombligo
Date: March 02, 2022 04:45PM
Before a speech at the University of South Florida, Governor and potential GOP presidential candidate, Ron DeSantis was filmed telling a group of high school students standing behind him, "You do not have to wear those masks. I mean, please take them off. Honestly, it's not doing anything and we've gotta stop with this COVID theater. So if you want to wear it, fine, but this is ridiculous."

While some of the students could be seen removing their masks in response to the comments, others kept them on. Hillsborough Schools Superintendent Addison Davis said the district was "proud of the manner in which our students represented themselves," noting that it is their choice "to protect their health in a way they feel most appropriate."


It's one thing to not require masks, but quite another to actively discourage them to make yourself look better.

“No persons are more frequently wrong, than those who will not admit they are wrong.” -- François de La Rochefoucauld

"Those who cannot accept the past are condemned to revise it." -- Geo. Mathias

The German word for contraceptive is “Schwangerschaftsverhütungsmittel”. By the time you finished saying that, it’s too late
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Re: DeathSantis asks students to remove their masks
Posted by: Lizabeth
Date: March 02, 2022 05:14PM
Heaven help us is this wackadoodle gets elected president...
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Re: DeathSantis asks students to remove their masks
Posted by: PeterB
Date: March 02, 2022 05:30PM
Before a speech at the University of South Florida, Governor and potential GOP presidential candidate, Ron DeSantis was filmed telling a group of high school students standing behind him, "You do not have to wear those masks. I mean, please take them off. Honestly, it's not doing anything and we've gotta stop with this COVID theater. So if you want to wear it, fine, but this is ridiculous."

While some of the students could be seen removing their masks in response to the comments, others kept them on. Hillsborough Schools Superintendent Addison Davis said the district was "proud of the manner in which our students represented themselves," noting that it is their choice "to protect their health in a way they feel most appropriate."


It's one thing to not require masks, but quite another to actively discourage them to make yourself look better.

It's beyond that -- I feel almost like what he was trying to do was to attempt to shame those who want to wear masks. That is beyond ridiculous, since he has no idea what a student might be dealing with-- they could have an underlying condition, they could be living with someone with an underlying condition, etc.

To me, this behavior verges on willful negligence that could result in deaths ... it probably has already.

Freya says, 'Hello from NOLA, baby!' (Laissez bon temps rouler!)
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Re: DeathSantis asks students to remove their masks
Posted by: p8712
Date: March 02, 2022 05:46PM
FWIW one of my undergrad degrees is from USF.

Get Bent, Deathsantis!
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Re: DeathSantis asks students to remove their masks
Posted by: Acer
Date: March 02, 2022 05:47PM
COVID theatre. So, when do those 950,000 American extras get to stop pretending to be dead?
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Re: DeathSantis asks students to remove their masks
Posted by: Buzz
Date: March 02, 2022 05:49PM
DeathSantis is a fscking treasonous Putin butt kissing war criminal!

Now I'll tell ya what I really think of him....
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Re: DeathSantis asks students to remove their masks
Posted by: mrbigstuff
Date: March 02, 2022 06:27PM

It's one thing to not require masks, but quite another to actively discourage them to make yourself look better.

Exactly, it's bullying. My district (and whole state) are removing masks in schools but kids can continue if they want.

An underwater guy who controlled the sea
Got killed by ten million pounds of sludge from New York and New Jersey
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Re: DeathSantis asks students to remove their masks
Posted by: Grateful11
Date: March 02, 2022 08:23PM
@#$%& on him!!!

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Re: DeathSantis asks students to remove their masks
Posted by: $tevie
Date: March 02, 2022 10:15PM
He a gigantic @#$%&, so this latest assholism should not surprise anyone.

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