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Clarence Thomas is (still) a total tool....
Posted by: Buzz
Date: May 14, 2022 12:31PM
Watched the deplorable Mr. (Faux) Justice T ranting about "The Breach".... along with commentary from the usual talking heads.

Why the fsck is this idiot ranting?
Somehow he can't fathom that the vast majority of the US populous is sick and tired of him and his lying right wing cronies, being just that; liars.
All their lying is the cause of the breach.
If they weren't such lying @$$hats, there never woulda been a breach.

So what's their take on reality?
More lying, of course!

And don't get me started on the real ringleader/head cheerleader, Moscow Mitch.
If there was ever a poster boy for a V.I.P. Invitee to the Fargo Wood Chipper Party, it's Moscow Mitch; he takes lying and cheating to a new level....
I guess it's either high or low depending on your perspective on what truth oughta be.
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Re: Clarence Thomas is (still) a total tool....
Posted by: steve...
Date: May 14, 2022 01:03PM
Rep. Hakeem Jeffries was in good form this week and had a few words to say about Justice Thomas.


thumbs up

Northern California Coast
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Re: Clarence Thomas is (still) a total tool....
Posted by: Tiangou
Date: May 14, 2022 01:27PM
Rep. Hakeem Jeffries was in good form this week and had a few words to say about Justice Thomas.


Rep. Jeffries tells MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, “No Supreme Court Justice … is above the law, above public scrutiny or above public accountability.”

...Except that they all are.

Lower courts will not try cases against SCOTUS justices and they enjoy judicial immunity for their decisions on the bench.

No consequences.

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Re: Clarence Thomas is (still) a total tool....
Posted by: Buzz
Date: May 14, 2022 03:17PM
Basically, only women citizens oughta be allowed to vote on abortion/Roe v. Wade.

Just a plain ol' vote, none of this electoral college shenanigans.

Let women vote for what happens to women's bodies.

SCOTUS can (and does) suck rocks when it comes to women's rights.... because of Moscow Mitch and the lying Justices he orchestrated.
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Re: Clarence Thomas is (still) a total tool....
Posted by: Lemon Drop
Date: May 14, 2022 04:01PM
I wish he would pass away. Soon.
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Re: Clarence Thomas is (still) a total tool....
Posted by: Speedy
Date: May 14, 2022 04:06PM
Lemon Drop
I wish he would pass away. Soon.

Not going to happen. Unless Ginny finds him on the hunt for some - whatever. He wants his claim to fame to be that he will be the longest serving justice. He will have no other reason to be remembered.

Saint Cloud, Minnesota, where the weather is wonderful even when it isn't.
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Re: Clarence Thomas is (still) a total tool....
Posted by: Ombligo
Date: May 14, 2022 05:05PM
Lemon Drop
I wish he would pass away. Soon.

Not going to happen. Unless Ginny finds him on the hunt for some - whatever. He wants his claim to fame to be that he will be the longest serving justice. He will have no other reason to be remembered.

If the GOP takes the Whitehouse/Senate in '24, expect him and Alito to step down and be replaced by 40-year-old (or younger) Federalist wunderkids.

“No persons are more frequently wrong, than those who will not admit they are wrong.” -- François de La Rochefoucauld

"Those who cannot accept the past are condemned to revise it." -- Geo. Mathias

The German word for contraceptive is “Schwangerschaftsverhütungsmittel”. By the time you finished saying that, it’s too late
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Re: Clarence Thomas is (still) a total tool....
Posted by: Buzz
Date: May 14, 2022 06:28PM
Lemon Drop
I wish he would pass away. Soon.

Not going to happen. Unless Ginny finds him on the hunt for some - whatever. He wants his claim to fame to be that he will be the longest serving justice. He will have no other reason to be remembered.

If the GOP takes the White House/Senate in '24, expect him and Alito to step down and be replaced by 40-year-old (or younger) Federalist wunderkids.

The Grumpy Orange Pompous Pussy Punishing Prejudiced Prick (GOPPPPP) ruined the White House for all things GOP until at least 2040.
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Re: Clarence Thomas is (still) a total tool....
Posted by: Lemon Drop
Date: May 14, 2022 06:37PM
Lemon Drop
I wish he would pass away. Soon.

Not going to happen. Unless Ginny finds him on the hunt for some - whatever. He wants his claim to fame to be that he will be the longest serving justice. He will have no other reason to be remembered.

I will continue to hope for both Thomas and Alito to pass away of natural causes sometime between now and oh, June 30.
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Re: Clarence Thomas is (still) a total tool....
Posted by: Speedy
Date: May 14, 2022 07:38PM
Lemon Drop
Lemon Drop
I wish he would pass away. Soon.

Not going to happen. Unless Ginny finds him on the hunt for some - whatever. He wants his claim to fame to be that he will be the longest serving justice. He will have no other reason to be remembered.

I will continue to hope for both Thomas and Alito to pass away of natural causes sometime between now and oh, June 30.

Pelican Brief

Saint Cloud, Minnesota, where the weather is wonderful even when it isn't.
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Re: Clarence Thomas is (still) a total tool....
Posted by: Buzz
Date: May 14, 2022 09:27PM
Lemon Drop
Lemon Drop
I wish he would pass away. Soon.

Not going to happen. Unless Ginny finds him on the hunt for some - whatever. He wants his claim to fame to be that he will be the longest serving justice. He will have no other reason to be remembered.

I will continue to hope for both Thomas and Alito to pass away of natural causes sometime between now and oh, June 30.

Pelican Brief


("natural" is a relative term....)
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Re: Clarence Thomas is (still) a total tool....
Posted by: PeterB
Date: May 14, 2022 09:53PM
Lemon Drop
I wish he would pass away. Soon.

I wondered what the hospitalization he had recently was about.

steve..'s video had me curious about something, so I found this: []

It's quite something for a SC Justice to be chastising about a leak, when he himself is apparently guilty of breaking a law? Even if nothing comes of it, indeed it makes him look like a hypocritical tool.

Freya says, 'Hello from NOLA, baby!' (Laissez bon temps rouler!)
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Re: Clarence Thomas is (still) a total tool....
Posted by: Don C
Date: May 14, 2022 10:03PM
So this sets up another fun little, let's say "differentiation" -

Clarence Thomas is not responsible for or in any way associated with the behavior of his wife.

However -

Joe Biden is directly responsible for and deeply involved in the behavior of his son.

Sure! we can have it both ways.
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Re: Clarence Thomas is (still) a total tool....
Posted by: PeterB
Date: May 14, 2022 10:06PM
Don C
So this sets up another fun little, let's say "differentiation" -

Clarence Thomas is not responsible for or in any way associated with the behavior of his wife.

However -

Joe Biden is directly responsible for and deeply involved in the behavior of his son.

Sure! we can have it both ways.


Freya says, 'Hello from NOLA, baby!' (Laissez bon temps rouler!)
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Re: Clarence Thomas is (still) a total tool....
Posted by: vision63
Date: May 14, 2022 10:54PM
Rep. Hakeem Jeffries was in good form this week and had a few words to say about Justice Thomas.


Rep. Jeffries tells MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, “No Supreme Court Justice … is above the law, above public scrutiny or above public accountability.”

...Except that they all are.

Lower courts will not try cases against SCOTUS justices and they enjoy judicial immunity for their decisions on the bench.

No consequences.

I believe it's bigger than just abortion. We're talking about government controlling our bodies. Once that's codified, it's only a matter of who is in charge when they're forcing women to get abortions (for whatever maniacal reason they can muster). Maybe they can force prisoners to have their organs harvested. I know it sounds insane but there's no limit really.
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Re: Clarence Thomas is (still) a total tool....
Posted by: Speedy
Date: May 15, 2022 04:46AM
Maybe indoctrinate all children in publicly funded schools in the ways of godly Christians.


Federal report lays out historic effort to dismantle Indian families and culture
It's the first step in addressing 'intergenerational trauma' caused by placement of children in the Indian school system.

The Pipestone Indian School in Pipestone, Minn., was among 21 Indian schools in the state. It opened in 1893 and closed around 1959. This photo shows it in the 1950s. [That light dusting of fall snow and the accompanying cold should help keep the smell of the manure on that field on the right from being too strong.]

For more than 150 years, the U.S. government pursued an explicit policy of destroying Indian families and culture as the nation took over lands once occupied by Indigenous people.

A primary weapon in that effort was a system of hundreds of Indian boarding schools — 21 in Minnesota — that separated children from their parents and sought to assimilate them into the predominantly white, European-oriented U.S. culture of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Those findings are contained in a report released Wednesday by the U.S. Department of the Interior, the first step in an effort to repair the damage longstanding government policies caused to native Indian, Hawaiian and Alaskan people.

Most Native Americans in Minnesota have a history with boarding schools — family members who were forced to go, others who saw them still suffering decades later. Bois Forte Band of Chippewa tribal council member Shane Drift's grandmother and great-aunt were made to attend the Vermilion Lake Indian School in the 1920s.

"We are still dealing with the effects of boarding schools" from language loss to trauma, he said. "It's going to take a while to get to the part where we are healed."

A second report is expected to lay out in more detail the long-term effects of the boarding school system, as well as the amount of federal money spent on it, much of the cash having been taken from trust funds created for the tribes. The second report will include a list of marked and unmarked burial sites of Indian children who died at the schools, a number estimated at more than 500.


Heavy church involvement

Melanie Benjamin, chair of the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe, said the band hosted a meeting with Minnesota tribes last summer after the discovery of unmarked graves in Canada.

"We were appalled by the horrendous news," she said, even though so many in Minnesota had family sent to boarding schools. "We all know the stories … where our relatives would be beaten if they spoke the language, cutting off the hair."

About half the Indian schools were affiliated with religious institutions, with the church either providing funding or receiving funding from the federal government.

Minnesota tribes have sought information from the Catholic Church, which ran some of the schools in the state. Benjamin said they have sought records of the children sent to them, an accounting they still await.

Archbishop Bernard Hebda of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis issued a statement Wednesday expressing "sorrow and shame" for the church's role in operating the schools.

"The clear teaching of the Catholic Church today is that Indigenous peoples and cultures are to be respected and never harmed or sacrificed in the name of evangelization," Hebda said.

He called the report "an important first step in what I anticipate will be a painful but necessary journey for our country and for our Church."

Benjamin said the schools "were trying to strip the identify of these Indian kids — stomp out the fire of their ability to move forward in their way of life.''

"Healing the intergenerational harm done is a very real problem costing our tribes millions a year in programming," she said, including language recovery and mental health services. "This pain we carry from generation to generation and the social ills we experience — many can be traced back to when these kids were in boarding schools."

Brenda Child, Northrop Professor of American Studies and American Indian Studies at the University of Minnesota, is the author of "Boarding School Seasons: American Indian Families, 1900-1940." Her grandparents were sent to boarding schools, and she said nothing in the report surprised her.

During much of that era, Child said, many Native Americans died of tuberculosis and influenza, with the communal setting of boarding schools allowing disease to spread. She said the report shows the comprehensiveness of the federal system.

"It's not shocking and not necessarily new information to historians and American Indian Studies scholars," she said, who "have tried to tell the human stories from the perspectives of Indian people themselves."

Saint Cloud, Minnesota, where the weather is wonderful even when it isn't.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/15/2022 04:47AM by Speedy.
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