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St. Paul Police Medal of Valor ceremony...
Posted by: RgrF
Date: October 15, 2022 08:02PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/15/2022 08:17PM by RgrF.
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Re: St. Paul police Medal of Valor ceremony...
Posted by: mattkime
Date: October 15, 2022 08:14PM
pfft, hahaha

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Re: St. Paul Police Medal of Valor ceremony...
Posted by: anonymouse1
Date: October 15, 2022 11:51PM
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Re: St. Paul Police Medal of Valor ceremony...
Posted by: Speedy
Date: October 16, 2022 05:10AM
Another feel-good story:

How a knock on Neil Armstrong’s door in 1969 is still reverberating


The extraordinary story spilled out in the most ordinary of ways: at a dinner party.

Jo Chim and Anisha Abraham were both living in Hong Kong at the time, and during a get together one night, Chim listened as Abraham talked about the day her family met Neil Armstrong’s family.

She listened as Abraham described how the encounter occurred months after the astronaut walked on the moon, an event that brought people together, even as other issues pulled them apart. Martin Luther King Jr. had been assassinated only a year earlier.

She listened as Abraham described how she was a baby when her parents and grandmother, who had migrated from India to the United States, went on a road trip and found themselves passing a sign that announced the small town of Wapakoneta, Ohio, as the home of Neil Armstrong.

Saint Cloud, Minnesota, where the weather is wonderful even when it isn't.
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Re: St. Paul Police Medal of Valor ceremony...
Posted by: Mr645
Date: October 16, 2022 01:58PM
Riots work, huh

"he is going to start WW3!!!!"
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Re: St. Paul Police Medal of Valor ceremony...
Posted by: Tiangou
Date: October 16, 2022 03:16PM
Riots work, huh

Sadly, yes.

Sometimes they are the only successful measure to draw national attention to a problem.


America was founded on riots. From as far back as the days of tar-and-feathering British tax collectors, citizens have resisted power by fighting back, using fists when their voices weren’t heard.

This violent tradition lives on in the country, boiling up at times in our cities. In places like Los Angeles in 1992, and Ferguson and Baltimore in the past year, urban tensions—often the result of racial and economic inequalities—have exploded into a mess of arson, looting, and police brutality.

What sort of progress is made in these periods of unrest? Do they actually make conditions better? In advance of the Zócalo/UCLA event “Can Urban Riots Cause Change?” we asked people who study, write about, and are deeply engaged with sometimes-violent protests: Have urban riots ever improved the lives of a city’s residents? If so, when and how? If not, why not and what happened?

Sherry Hamby...

...Most often, rioting has drawn attention to oppressive authoritarian rule (sometimes by kings, sometimes by police). In some cases, it has also spurred investigations into law enforcement or other government systems. Occasionally, it has even forced corrupt or incompetent leaders to surrender or resign.

But rioting—or other violent resistance—does not always make people’s lives better. The 2005 French riots surrounding Paris led to deaths, injuries, car burnings, and arrests. The aftermath was a crackdown on immigration and blaming of musicians instead of a frank assessment of ethnic and religious tensions.

Nonviolent resistance is a relatively new path to social justice. Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., were some of the first to convince large groups of people to protest without physical fighting. Gandhi accomplished something that the early Americans did not; he got rid of British colonial rule through peace, not war.

Riots are not great solutions, but riots are usually caused by real injustices. Thousands of people do not take to the streets for no good reason. That was true during the American Revolution, and it is true today. Riots are often the desperate response of people who feel they have no other recourse. We can reduce rioting by providing better access to justice for everyone.


Noche Diaz...

After 1967’s “Long Hot Summer” with Detroit’s 12th Street riots, the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders found that (surprise!) blacks are systematically mistreated. After 100-plus rebellions following Martin Luther King, Jr.’s assassination, additions to the Civil Rights Act passed.

...Baltimore rises, suddenly six cops are charged. A light was shined on generations living under police crosshairs. Everyone is now forced to relate to the slogan “Black Lives Matter.” This is improvement.

A Baltimore teenager said to me, “I know Freddie [Gray]’s family didn’t want rioting… and people don’t want us destroying our community… but we don’t want police killing us. If they won’t stop, we do what we have to.”

Society was shaken. Lines got drawn. Where this goes is on us.

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Re: St. Paul Police Medal of Valor ceremony...
Posted by: $tevie
Date: October 16, 2022 06:51PM
They let the man finish what he was saying. I am sad that I live in a country where I kept waiting for someone to cut his mike.

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