One of the GOP's main talking points is that Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko fired former Ukrainian prosecutor general Viktor Shokin after Biden pressured him to do so.
Fox News host Brian Kilmeade played Poroshenko a clip of Shokin saying Biden wanted him fired because he had been investigating the oil company Burisma Holdings while Hunter Biden served on the board.
“First of all, this is [a] completely crazy person,” Poroshenko replied without hesitation, referring to Shokin. “This is something wrong with him. Second, there is not one single word of truth.”
“Please do not use such a person like Shokin to undermine the trust we feel” from both U.S. parties, he continued.
Poroshenko added that Shokin was fired because “he played very dirty games.”
Not that this will matter to the house republicans.
“No persons are more frequently wrong, than those who will not admit they are wrong.” -- François de La Rochefoucauld
"Those who cannot accept the past are condemned to revise it." -- Geo. Mathias
The German word for contraceptive is “Schwangerschaftsverhütungsmittel”. By the time you finished saying that, it’s too late