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Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: jonny
Date: November 17, 2023 03:46PM


"On Wednesday, Mr. Musk went further when he agreed with a post from an X account accusing Jewish communities of pushing “hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them.” Jewish people are now “coming to the disturbing realization that those hordes of minorities that support flooding their country don’t exactly like them too much,” the account added.

“You have said the actual truth,” Mr. Musk replied to the post." NYT
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: bfd
Date: November 17, 2023 03:49PM
This is what needs to happen. Money talks, and only more money can fight back.
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: AllGold
Date: November 17, 2023 04:16PM
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: Steve G.
Date: November 17, 2023 04:42PM
Musk endorsed the same amazing lie as the shooter who murdered 11 Jews at Pittsburgh's Tree of Life Synagogue in 2018.
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: jonny
Date: November 17, 2023 04:57PM
Disney, IBM, and Lionsgate have joined on.

Twitter and Truth Social: learning the hard way what it means to cater to the far right.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/17/2023 04:58PM by jonny.
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: Carnos Jax
Date: November 17, 2023 04:58PM
What I don't understand, even if he sincerely believes in the anti-semitic and other crap he spews, does he really believe saving the world from the so called 'woke mind virus' is more important than the mission of Tesla and SpaceX???? He's jeopardizing everything for what amounts to not even a molehill (if it amounts to anything at all)!!!! I really don't know what he's thinking anymore.
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: Tiangou
Date: November 17, 2023 05:10PM
Carnos Jax
What I don't understand, even if he sincerely believes in the anti-semitic and other crap he spews, does he really believe saving the world from the so called 'woke mind virus' is more important than the mission of Tesla and SpaceX???? He's jeopardizing everything for what amounts to not even a molehill (if it amounts to anything at all)!!!! I really don't know what he's thinking anymore.

I think he's ADD and manic/bipolar and he's bored/done/disaffected with everything but SpaceX, and even there he's not emotionally vested anymore. Just wants to finish what he started and land something on Mars and then he'll probably take a very long nap. And in the meantime, let everything not SpaceX burn.

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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: $tevie
Date: November 17, 2023 05:49PM
Yeah, I'm inclined to think he has problems that have nothing to do with his claim of "being on the spectrum".

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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: Steve G.
Date: November 17, 2023 06:17PM
Disney is on the walkaway list now.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/17/2023 06:17PM by Steve G..
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: Tiangou
Date: November 17, 2023 06:46PM
Not we're playing a game of "how much worse can his next post be?"


X's executive said that 99 percent of measured ad placements in 2023 have been next to safe content. As for the account with pro-Hitler content seemingly appearing next to IBM's ad, the exec said that the account would not have been monetizable and noted that the post itself had been labeled "sensitive media" and received relatively low impressions.

"While we understand it’s not an ideal placement for any ad, the post itself had about 8,000 impressions," the X executive told FT.

On X, Musk shared different reactions to these reports, seemingly taking a swipe at IBM by responding to an X user calling out IBM for "saving face" due to its documented history dealing directly with Holocaust organizers in the 1930s. The X user suggested that IBM's history was worse for the brand than its ads appearing next to antisemitic content on X, to which Musk responded, "precisely."

Relatively low ad-impressions, and IBM had ties to the Nazis in the 1930s.

So, what's the harm in a little pro-Nazi propaganda now?

Right? This is all perfectly logical/rational and not nutter/racist/lunatic at all.

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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: jonny
Date: November 17, 2023 08:05PM
The X user suggested that IBM's history was worse for the brand than its ads appearing next to antisemitic content on X, to which Musk responded, "precisely."[/i]


(If the Pacman had a little swastika armband it'd be perfect!)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/17/2023 10:46PM by jonny.
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: jonny
Date: November 17, 2023 09:37PM
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: jonny
Date: November 17, 2023 10:39PM
Warner Bros. Discovery. NBC Universal.
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: Speedy
Date: November 18, 2023 03:43AM
Carnos Jax
What I don't understand, even if he sincerely believes in the anti-semitic and other crap he spews, does he really believe saving the world from the so called 'woke mind virus' is more important than the mission of Tesla and SpaceX???? He's jeopardizing everything for what amounts to not even a molehill (if it amounts to anything at all)!!!! I really don't know what he's thinking anymore.

I think he's ADD and manic/bipolar and he's bored/done/disaffected with everything but SpaceX, and even there he's not emotionally vested anymore. Just wants to finish what he started and land something on Mars and then he'll probably take a very long nap. And in the meantime, let everything not SpaceX burn.

I can see this being the case. He has no base to rally, no real axe to grind, he just takes potshots from the expensive suites.

Saint Cloud, Minnesota, where the weather is wonderful even when it isn't.
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: sekker
Date: November 18, 2023 07:18AM
I think this is his Waterloo moment. Musk needs to decide whether he will control his feed and brand and the other nonsense on X, or walk away.

I think Tesla investors will call for his outage as CEO this week as well.

I wonder what the banks that helped buy twitter will do to pressure Musk too
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: sekker
Date: November 18, 2023 07:20AM
PS I still visit X on occasion and explore whatever the feed is around Musk. I’ve been watching others seem to be pushing him towards very crazy positions. I doubt he even realizes it.
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: gabester
Date: November 18, 2023 10:30AM
I have a complaint but don't want to be labeled antisemitic.

I don't want to follow the links directly or give traffic to the tXitter posts, but all the reporting around this has cited a quote of "Hitler was right" (without additional context - right about what, presumably his genocidal final solution?) and something about modern day immigration involving brown people and the ADL not condemning them in addition to the west?... and I def think Elon Musk has some screwed up notions in his overactive brain because despite his smarts he's succumbed to a bunch of propaganda that feeds into a self-affirming world view of his own personal greatness.

Essentially, I am just confused by all of this, think the antisemitic racists are bad and would never intentionally support them (except for paying for Starlink for internet access in the middle of nowhere) and hope the media is just sparing my sensibilities by not overtly quoting the really antisemitic stuff. I'd really like a clear bullet pointed list, as the "conversation" around this seems to have been muddied and was muddled to begin with.

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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: Tiangou
Date: November 18, 2023 11:30AM
I have a complaint but don't want to be labeled antisemitic.

I don't want to follow the links directly or give traffic to the tXitter posts, but all the reporting around this has cited a quote of "Hitler was right" (without additional context - right about what, presumably his genocidal final solution?)


On the rationale that Jews hate white people and want to replace white people by aiding caravans of immigrants entering the country unlawfully (see "white genocide conspiracy") when they really should hate brown people and should want to kill brown people because brown people are the real racists and are deliberately diluting pure white blood through intermarriage miscegenation. Most adherents ultimately come to the conclusion that both Jews and brown people should all be rounded up, put into camps and exterminated. (Since proponents are usually Holocaust-deniers, in their view this would be the first and only time this was ever done to Jews).

This is what Musk has been promoting.

It is also the rationale of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter. Coincidentally, it's roughly the 5 year anniversary of that mass-murder.

Of note: 45 has been talking about rounding up people of color and putting them into camps lately. Both he and Musk are talking to the same crowd.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/18/2023 11:52AM by Tiangou.
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: Ombligo
Date: November 18, 2023 11:38AM
Musk said he will be filing a "thermonuclear" suit against the media company that reported on the ad placement that lead to the companies dropping advertising.


Musk is just channeling his inner robber baron.

“No persons are more frequently wrong, than those who will not admit they are wrong.” -- François de La Rochefoucauld

"Those who cannot accept the past are condemned to revise it." -- Geo. Mathias

The German word for contraceptive is “Schwangerschaftsverhütungsmittel”. By the time you finished saying that, it’s too late
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: August West
Date: November 18, 2023 11:59AM

...This is what Musk has been promoting....

Thanks for the outline, Doc. I was completely lost with the logic of what was going on there.

Early evening, April four
A shot rings out in the Memphis sky
Free at last, they took your life
They could not take your pride
In the name of love
In the name of love
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: DeusxMac
Date: November 18, 2023 12:07PM
On the rationale that Jews hate white people and want to replace white people...

If "white people" are people "of European origin", isn't a Polish Jew therefore a white person?

Or Jews from any of the other 49 states and territories of Europe?
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: Tiangou
Date: November 18, 2023 12:22PM
On the rationale that Jews hate white people and want to replace white people...

If "white people" are people "of European origin", isn't a Polish Jew therefore a white person?

Or Jews from any of the other 49 states and territories of Europe?

Are you assuming/suggesting that any of this appears rational with any degree of objective examination?


The biggest proportion of responses — 1,260 posts — tried to rationalize the result by offering an “educational or scientific explanation” for the genetic ancestry results. Many in the online community played a numbers game. If a genetic ancestry test stated someone was 95 percent white European, they would merely count the remaining 5 percent as a statistical error.

Many adapted this line of thinking to make exceptions for those with mixed ancestry. Nearly 500 posts made appeals by misapplying theories of genetics or by saying whiteness is a culture, not just biology...

“Genetically, the idea of white European as a single homogenous group does not hold up. The classic geographic boundaries of the Mediterranean, Caucasus, and Urals that have shaped human movement and contact are all permeable barriers,” said Novembre. “Most of the genetic variants you or I carry, we share with other people all across the globe…If you are in some ethnic group, there are not single genetic variants that you definitely have and everyone outside the group does not.”

...She said Panofsky and Donovan’s study shows that white nationalists will engage in “a process of psychic and symbolic negotiation” when genetic ancestry results fail to satisfy their “impossible idea for racial purity.”

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/18/2023 12:23PM by Tiangou.
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: DeusxMac
Date: November 18, 2023 12:36PM
On the rationale that Jews hate white people and want to replace white people...

If "white people" are people "of European origin", isn't a Polish Jew therefore a white person?

Or Jews from any of the other 49 states and territories of Europe?

Are you assuming/suggesting that any of this appears rational with any degree of objective examination?

No. Obviously, upon objective examination it is completely irrational.
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: sekker
Date: November 18, 2023 01:23PM
This whole story is just modern eugenics. The US science community started eugenics. We castrated thousands to ‘purify’ the American gene pool.

That was the basis for Nazi adoption and the horrors of WW2.

It was wrong then.

It’s still wrong today.
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: sekker
Date: November 18, 2023 01:24PM
I have a complaint but don't want to be labeled antisemitic.

I don't want to follow the links directly or give traffic to the tXitter posts, but all the reporting around this has cited a quote of "Hitler was right" (without additional context - right about what, presumably his genocidal final solution?)


On the rationale that Jews hate white people and want to replace white people by aiding caravans of immigrants entering the country unlawfully (see "white genocide conspiracy") when they really should hate brown people and should want to kill brown people because brown people are the real racists and are deliberately diluting pure white blood through intermarriage miscegenation. Most adherents ultimately come to the conclusion that both Jews and brown people should all be rounded up, put into camps and exterminated. (Since proponents are usually Holocaust-deniers, in their view this would be the first and only time this was ever done to Jews).

This is what Musk has been promoting.

It is also the rationale of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter. Coincidentally, it's roughly the 5 year anniversary of that mass-murder.

Of note: 45 has been talking about rounding up people of color and putting them into camps lately. Both he and Musk are talking to the same crowd.

I had not realized have far trump had gotten. We cannot let him in the White House again, or we might not have elections in the future
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: DeusxMac
Date: November 18, 2023 01:50PM
The US science community started eugenics.

Ah, no...

"Types of eugenic practices have existed for millennia. Some indigenous peoples of Brazil are known to have practiced infanticide against children born with physical abnormalities since precolonial times. In ancient Greece, the philosopher Plato suggested selective mating to produce a "guardian" class] In Sparta, every Spartan child was inspected by the council of elders, the Gerousia, who determined whether or not the child was fit to live."

"The idea of a modern project for improving the human population through selective breeding was originally developed by Francis Galton (1822-1911), and was initially inspired by Darwinism and its theory of natural selection."

"Sir Francis Galton... was a British polymath and the originator of the eugenics movement during the Victorian era."

"Eugenics became an academic discipline at many colleges and universities and received funding from many sources. Organizations were formed to win public support for and to sway opinion towards responsible eugenic values in parenthood, including the British Eugenics Education Society of 1907 and the American Eugenics Society of 1921."


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/18/2023 01:51PM by DeusxMac.
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: sekker
Date: November 18, 2023 02:28PM
I stand corrected. Galton DID start the whole thing, including arguing that brain size correlated with intelligence and therefore women are dumber than men.

It was the US scientists at the end of the 19th and early 20th that led to ‘new’ faked data to go deep into racism and then to go into full politics.

The US eugenics approach was what the Nazis built on, not anything left over from Galton in the UK

More here


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/18/2023 02:30PM by sekker.
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: Janit
Date: November 18, 2023 03:51PM
If "white people" are people "of European origin", isn't a Polish Jew therefore a white person?

Or Jews from any of the other 49 states and territories of Europe?

The Jews who came to the US from Poland a century ago were not considered Polish by the "Poles," nor were they considered white by the "whites."

On the other hand, Jews of "European origin" are now considered by a large percentage of the current American left to be white European colonialists.

The time has now come to talk about "Schrodinger's Jew," whose race/color depends on the politics of whoever opens the box.
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: Lux Interior
Date: November 18, 2023 03:54PM
I can see this being the case. He has no base to rally, [...]

He is a narcissist and wants worshipers/cult members.

He sees the cult following trump built and wants in on that.
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: Ted King
Date: November 18, 2023 05:10PM
If "white people" are people "of European origin", isn't a Polish Jew therefore a white person?

Or Jews from any of the other 49 states and territories of Europe?

The Jews who came to the US from Poland a century ago were not considered Polish by the "Poles," nor were they considered white by the "whites."

On the other hand, Jews of "European origin" are now considered by a large percentage of the current American left to be white European colonialists.

The time has now come to talk about "Schrodinger's Jew," whose race/color depends on the politics of whoever opens the box.


e pluribus unum
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: Black
Date: November 18, 2023 10:52PM
Ted King
If "white people" are people "of European origin", isn't a Polish Jew therefore a white person?

Or Jews from any of the other 49 states and territories of Europe?

The Jews who came to the US from Poland a century ago were not considered Polish by the "Poles," nor were they considered white by the "whites."

On the other hand, Jews of "European origin" are now considered by a large percentage of the current American left to be white European colonialists.

The time has now come to talk about "Schrodinger's Jew," whose race/color depends on the politics of whoever opens the box.

agree smiley
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: kj
Date: November 18, 2023 10:58PM
I have a complaint but don't want to be labeled antisemitic.

I don't want to follow the links directly or give traffic to the tXitter posts, but all the reporting around this has cited a quote of "Hitler was right" (without additional context - right about what, presumably his genocidal final solution?)


On the rationale that Jews hate white people and want to replace white people by aiding caravans of immigrants entering the country unlawfully (see "white genocide conspiracy") when they really should hate brown people and should want to kill brown people because brown people are the real racists and are deliberately diluting pure white blood through intermarriage miscegenation. Most adherents ultimately come to the conclusion that both Jews and brown people should all be rounded up, put into camps and exterminated. (Since proponents are usually Holocaust-deniers, in their view this would be the first and only time this was ever done to Jews).

This is what Musk has been promoting.

It is also the rationale of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter. Coincidentally, it's roughly the 5 year anniversary of that mass-murder.

Of note: 45 has been talking about rounding up people of color and putting them into camps lately. Both he and Musk are talking to the same crowd.

I would like to hear whether this answered Gabester's question. To me, it did not, but I guess I'm not sure.
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: gabester
Date: November 19, 2023 10:01AM
I have a complaint but don't want to be labeled antisemitic.

I don't want to follow the links directly or give traffic to the tXitter posts, but all the reporting around this has cited a quote of "Hitler was right" (without additional context - right about what, presumably his genocidal final solution?)


On the rationale that Jews hate white people and want to replace white people by aiding caravans of immigrants entering the country unlawfully (see "white genocide conspiracy") when they really should hate brown people and should want to kill brown people because brown people are the real racists and are deliberately diluting pure white blood through intermarriage miscegenation. Most adherents ultimately come to the conclusion that both Jews and brown people should all be rounded up, put into camps and exterminated. (Since proponents are usually Holocaust-deniers, in their view this would be the first and only time this was ever done to Jews).

This is what Musk has been promoting.

It is also the rationale of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter. Coincidentally, it's roughly the 5 year anniversary of that mass-murder.

Of note: 45 has been talking about rounding up people of color and putting them into camps lately. Both he and Musk are talking to the same crowd.

I would like to hear whether this answered Gabester's question. To me, it did not, but I guess I'm not sure.

Yes, this did effectively connect the dots for me.

The antisemitism comes from endorsing the notion that "jews want to replace whites."
I was confused from what I'd read about this online previously because there story generally went something like "IBM pulls ad revenue because semi-tirllionaire idiot/savant blowhard endorses antisemitic poster's 'Hitler was right'" and the whole white supremacy fear quote about being replaced was lost to me in the muddle.

Basically, it's an antisemitic agenda any time someone espouses lies like "Jews want to do xyz that harms our people."


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/19/2023 11:32AM by gabester.
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: jonny
Date: November 19, 2023 10:08AM
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Re: Apple suspends ads on X after Elon Musk endorses antisemitic post
Posted by: Ted King
Date: November 23, 2023 11:42AM
Excellent interview with the president of Media Matters that Musk is suing because Musk wants to intimidate media critical of him into silence. They discuss how this is just the tip of the iceberg of efforts the right wing is making to punish those who question their wisdom.

MSNBC - "‘Everything we reported was completely accurate’: Media Matters president on X lawsuit" [8:45 video]


e pluribus unum

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/23/2023 11:45AM by Ted King.
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