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where does one even begin, with a story like this?
Posted by: SteveJobs
Date: February 03, 2006 05:24AM
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Re: where does one even begin, with a story like this?
Posted by: Jimmypoo
Date: February 03, 2006 05:42AM
Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.

-Lewis Carroll
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Re: where does one even begin, with a story like this?
Posted by: WHiiP
Date: February 03, 2006 06:06AM
Why is this even worthy of a post? Especially on This Side???

no cheers for this

Flagler Beach, FL 32136

Carpe Vino!

Fermentation may have been a greater discovery than fire.
— David Rains Wallace
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Re: where does one even begin, with a story like this?
Posted by: SteveJobs
Date: February 03, 2006 06:16AM
It's a TIP: don't marry a kid???
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Re: where does one even begin, with a story like this?
Posted by: Panopticon
Date: February 03, 2006 06:33AM
Proves the shallow end of the gene-pool is even more crowded than first imagined??

just another typical day in Darwin's Corner...

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Re: where does one even begin, with a story like this?
Posted by: Jimmypoo
Date: February 03, 2006 06:34AM
you mean, "Just another typical day with Teachers in GA" ... right?
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Re: where does one even begin, with a story like this?
Posted by: Pops
Date: February 03, 2006 06:50AM
Panopticon Wrote:
> Proves the shallow end of the gene-pool is even more crowded than first imagined??

Problem is, based on my un-scientific survey of WalMart customers and employees, those little tadpoles swim pretty well.
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Re: where does one even begin, with a story like this?
Posted by: SteveJobs
Date: February 03, 2006 07:05AM
I have heard GA school systems are very bad.
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Re: where does one even begin, with a story like this?
Posted by: Jimmypoo
Date: February 03, 2006 11:31AM
Yes... the teachers in FL are much better looking.
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Re: where does one even begin, with a story like this?
Posted by: Michael
Date: February 03, 2006 01:18PM
SteveJobs Wrote:
> I have heard GA school systems are very bad.

Well, they are not exactly shining lights of academe, but they're not as bad as generally publicized. Much of the "quality" measure that gets bandied about comes from national SAT scores. We rank 49, last I heard.

However, if you take into account the percentage of students who take the SAT vs. the ACT, etc., we move up to somewhere around 30.

For example, our neighboring state of Alabama had 25,281 students take the ACT [], and 4,352 take the SAT [] in the last reporting period. Of those SAT students, 71% were in the top 20% of their classes. Their average SAT was 1026. Not a real suprise with that high percentage coming from the top of their classes.

In GA, I couldn't find ACT data, but my daughter's class last year had more than 200 take the SAT and a dozen take the ACT. There were a total of 61,102 students who took the SAT []. Of those GA SAT students, 50% were in the top 20% of their classes. Our average SAT was 993. Not a real suprise with only half of our students coming from the top of their classes.

What is happening in GA is that a much higher percentage of students are taking the SAT because we have the Hope Scholarship (free college with 3.0 gpa), and we have traditionally used the SAT as our measure. States that use the ACT as their standard and have the brigher kids take the SAT look better. Notice how many of the "best" states on the SAT come from the midwest where the ACT is the standard test.

So, we're so bad (SAT) because we're so good (Hope Scholarship)!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/03/2006 01:23PM by Michael.
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Re: where does one even begin, with a story like this?
Posted by: Effin Haole
Date: February 03, 2006 02:07PM
"Much of the "quality" measure that gets bandied about comes from national SAT scores. We rank 49, last I heard. "

Umm, given that there are 50 states, that make you next to last.

Score another point for the GA educational system.
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Re: where does one even begin, with a story like this?
Posted by: Michael
Date: February 04, 2006 08:04PM
Effin Haole Wrote:
> "Much of the "quality" measure that gets bandied
> about comes from national SAT scores. We rank 49,
> last I heard. "
> Umm, given that there are 50 states, that make you
> next to last.
> Score another point for the GA educational system.

Well, they actually toss in DC, so there are 51, making us 2nd to last.

If you're joking, that's great. If you're serious, a couple of points: 1. I could have said, "We rank 49, the last time I heard." if I thought that being conversational would get past you, and 2. when you point out problems in posts, having errors in your own (see "make" above) ain't so great.
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