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We often volunteer there - we were just in Newport yesterday.by RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals
The big Boston hospitals definitely announced a mask mandate recently - our cases of everything are really high. I was there on Monday and pretty much no staff or visitors/patients were masked at all. There were no signs or anything. ??by RecipeForDisaster - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
QuoteBlack QuoteRecipeForDisaster Quotebobinmurphy Yes. Always place my seed order around Christmas but also save seeds from past years for varieties that worked well in my garden. In early January I get my seeds started in the house - I use plastic cupcake containers with covers I found on Amazon and start the seeds in Jiffy pellets. When they get about 2" high I transfer them to my greenby RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals
Quotebobinmurphy Yes. Always place my seed order around Christmas but also save seeds from past years for varieties that worked well in my garden. In early January I get my seeds started in the house - I use plastic cupcake containers with covers I found on Amazon and start the seeds in Jiffy pellets. When they get about 2" high I transfer them to my greenhouse putting the Jiffy pellets inby RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals
Quotesteve... Not seeds but fern spores. I'm trying to grow native species to plant under my Redwoods. I started my first batch in September and it could be a few more months until actual ferns start growing. It's a long slow process and takes some patience. I have them under a 4' shop light next to a window. Cool! I love ferns and that is just a neat thing to do.by RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals
I can’t find mine, so no.by RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals
Yes, around 200 plants every year. I’ll start that on Sunday. I have a passion for hot peppers, but there’s a little of everything, and I grow year round in my unheated greenhouse. I do not enjoy the actual seed starting, but it’s well worth it for the neat varieties I get and the cost savings (especially for seeds I save myself).by RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals
We liked the Budweiser one (cute baby! Although if you look carefully he’s about 5 different ages in the commercial), but it sure doesn’t make us buy their product.by RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals
I’ve bought many backup machines on craigslist over the years. It isn’t difficult to program them to match your settings. You can put your SD card in it so it can continue reporting your data to physicians. I’ve had good luck doing this, just making sure the machine is quiet and low hours. I just stick to the same model for all of them - we both use one, so we have 2 spares that are allby RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals
Yes, and I do have a rotary phone. I more commonly use a portable one. I don’t have a cell, save for a Tracfone I never turn on except for emergencies, and my other half doesn’t even have a smartphone or unlimited minutes. It works well for us. We are fairly rural, and I use the landline a lot.by RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals
QuoteFritz I'm not worried about the avocados. I'm more concerned with the tequila. Money in the bank… I had asked for good whiskey for Christmas for about 6 years. No one ever got me any (my husband offered, but I never have ideas for his family to get for me, so I wanted to keep it on their list). It’s not like they are against that sort of thing at all - they actually drink a lot. This pasby RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals
Iron and manganese in our well water, We have a whole house softener system. We have to add salt regularly, but our fixtures are not stained anymore.by RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals
Quotemacphanatic QuoteRecipeForDisaster My sister thought they could salvage granite in their backyard, but she said even that was affected. The heat from a fire like that is extremely high. Many really don't comprehend the significance of thermal damage that occurs. Yeah, I know, but our family business is granite and my BIL is a rocket scientist I would think they of all people would knowby RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals
My sister thought they could salvage granite in their backyard, but she said even that was affected.by RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals
Eggs have been $5.02 at our Aldis for a while. Limit 2. We go through a dozen or two a week, because Mr. RFD loves them and makes many work lunches out of them - omelets, frittatas, egg salad, and also takes hard boiled eggs on hikes with him. I don’t really eat them, but sometimes bake with them. We don’t eat meat, but the cats do.by RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals
I really wish I thought to look outside to see what the horses thought. This kind of felt like a gentle paint mixer - I knew it really couldn’t be anything but an earthquake. We have had a few before, all minor, but one was only one big "drop" feeling. I don’t have enough experience with them to be worried, although I knew nothing was even getting knocked off shelves, so it didn’tby RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals
Yes, here in RI, too. The house steadily, gently shook for a good 15-20 seconds. I knew it had to be an earthquake, but still didn’t believe myself. I reported it to USGS anyway.by RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals
Aldi here (usually the cheapest for conventional) $5.09 and limited to 2.by RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals
Your local Shriners may have ramps to borrow for as long as you need. We have one here that has just about anything you could use, free to borrow or even to keep.by RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals
Like a little free library or blessing box. We own two of the former and one of the latter. They’re super for avoiding waste!by RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals
Both of us are working normal days.by RecipeForDisaster - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
My sister said that one reason they got temporary housing is that she knew very early that her house was gone. She’s so resourceful and resilient… she notified insurance very early and already got an advance. I hope your partner's brother weathers this well. I always thought of Altadena as so small (from my few visits), but it seems everyone knows someone who lives there.by RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals
Made a birthday card for my mom - thanks for sharing!by RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals
Quotevision63 QuoteRecipeForDisaster QuoteCarnos Jax That is just horrible RFD, can’t fathom going thru something like that……very heartbroken for them, and you. I feel so helpless from here. I could send money (they have always had a very generous reserve), offer for them to stay with me (a bit inconvenient being across the country, and I don’t think my sister has a license here so can’by RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals
My niece in Atlanta showed me videos of her dog gleefully playing in the snow. We have none in RI!by RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals
QuoteCarnos Jax That is just horrible RFD, can’t fathom going thru something like that……very heartbroken for them, and you. I feel so helpless from here. I could send money (they have always had a very generous reserve), offer for them to stay with me (a bit inconvenient being across the country, and I don’t think my sister has a license here so can’t see patients remotely), or…. ? Thby RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals
My sister was in Altadena and lost her house and most of her neighborhood. I’m just sick for her. She and her husband and dog are okay… they’ve evacuated twice more, and the first friend's place also burned down. Their house wasn’t big, but very beautiful and filled with handcrafted touches inside and out. Both of them had tons of art they had made, plus my BIL makes telescopes and had raby RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals
My sister and her husband have evacuated their Altadena home - I am really scared for them.by RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals
Our place is mentioned in the article! Electromagnetic Pinball Museum. Highly recommended… neat place and a great owner. We were just there on Friday, for hours and hours.by RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals
I have to share this with my other half. We love pinball - we now have this amazing museum with tons of machines, most of which you can play. Before they opened, we’d travel New England to visit places with good pinball collections.by RecipeForDisaster - Tips and Deals