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It's a scam - nothing but a router. It needs a SIM card to connect to the Internet or something like a Starlink to plug into one of it ethernet ports. As far as I know there's NOBODY offering a SIM card or a Sat receiver with free forever service. I don't think there's a SIM card that will work anywhere in the world either (what they seem to claim their product can do), and some countries evenby bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
QuoteTiangou Quotespecial wife got those 12 month contract for $5-6 per month + tax + royalty fees + whatever and they usually came our around $80-90 for the full year. She did this game for the past 8 years since we got our first car with Satellite radio. But last week she called to cancel and was hoping they will offer her the deal again. Nope, she even asked for the deal, they said no. Sby bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
QuoteRAMd®d I've got a nüvi 350 that I couldn't/can't update because the update was bigger than the storage in my 350. It still works, after a fashion, but as a standalone GPS, it's been eclipsed by my 'Phones. Garmin is great and I prefer it over TomTom, but Garmins all seem to be designed for obsolesce. They are built with only enough memory to hold the map they ship with and almost allby bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
Lots of stupid things (and people) on FB Marketplace. "Is it still available?" is the dumbest one - if it's still listed it's probably still available. Another thing that drives me up the wall are those who want to wheel and deal on price before even knowing what they're implying they want to buy. The item is offered for sale, not for auction. Come see it first, then see if you'llby bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
With the switch from analog to digital signals many broadcast signals got moved in the frequency bands and are now close to the cell phone bands. So if you live in an area with a number of close cell towers those signals could be overloading your TV causing reception issues. One HAM radio operator living close to me who has extensive real-world experience with antennas and signal strengths founby bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
Quotechopper Unregulated capitalism. Rinse and repeat. Regulated capitalism brought us the breakup of Ma Bell into the Baby Bells. Is the phone industry any better off today that it was before the government mandated breakup? Government can't force costs down but competition can. Government can't regulate the Laws of Nature by imposing unrealistic goals on engineering such as MPG requiremeby bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
Quotespecial Quotechopper Okay, I can never keep this straight. Is Elon a good guy or a bad guy? He makes cars--good guy around here. He buys Twitter--bad guy around here. He gives free internet and phone to the suffering and ...? He is bi-polar. sometimes good, sometimes bad. sometimes smart, sometimes stupid. Yup, like everyone else including politicians, he's human - some good and some badby bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
QuoteBlack Quotebobinmurphy Quotedk62 QuoteGareth Quotespecial You already share those numbers every time you write a check to any one. Yup. Typically, individual accounts can't send money to another account via the routing and account number (businesses can, via ACH). With an individual account, you usually have to verify the account (i.e. 2 small deposits are made and withdrawn by the baby bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
Quotedk62 QuoteGareth Quotespecial You already share those numbers every time you write a check to any one. Yup. Typically, individual accounts can't send money to another account via the routing and account number (businesses can, via ACH). With an individual account, you usually have to verify the account (i.e. 2 small deposits are made and withdrawn by the bank and you verify the amountby bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
It looks like a design to try and get emissions down without a lot of the current technology used for that purpose. I wonder though if the HP and torque would be compromised a bit by this design.by bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
A lot of posters here still believe that a tip is for service above and beyond. But overall it appears the service industry is trying to make the tip part of the bill, either by adding it in or by presenting you with the iPad option of adding a tip to you bill. If it becomes a standard part of the bill then it's no longer a tip for service and there's no incentive to provide service that wouldby bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
I now try to avoid CVS at all costs. My old insurance company used to insist on me using them since they owned CVS, so I went along. But with a recent prescription I ran into problems on a refill. Was leaving town on vacation and needed it refilled since it would run out while I was gone. CVS asked if I'd be in the US, so I suspected they were going to tell me to go to the nearest CVS whereveby bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
I've been running Mavericks for years on an old Mini. Over the past couple of months I occasionally see old mail messages reappear. Since it only seems to happen every once and a while, I suspect a server issue. I also find there are times that my mail doesn't seem to get picked up by the Mavericks email client. Exiting it and restarting it seems to resolve that issue which I suspect is a Mby bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
Quotechopper I read about people every day that had all the vaccinations then get COVID and still die from it. A friend of mine in Rome is 100% vaxed with all the boosters etc. He has COVID right now. Life is a gamble. A number of recent studies around the world have concluded that as many as 50% of those who took the shot are showing adverse effects, some long term and many resulting in deatby bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
Quotepqrst And there is the report that clear dome viewport was only rated down to 1,300 meters. Titanic is down at 4,000 meters. Also saw reports that some of the materials used to build the submersible were purchased at bargain basement prices because they were past their "use by" date.by bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
You could try H&R Block's TaxCut. I compared that to TurboTax a few years ago and found it to be the same on the bottom line for my taxes and then switched to it because it was far cheaper (at the time) and offered both PC and Mac versions in the same box. However, it like TurboTax, has dropped support for older versions of OS X and no longer runs on Mavericks. It often does run on older vby bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
I owned a Mercedes Sprinter based RV. It was pretty much problem free for the 80,000+ miles I put on it, but I'd never own another one! I'm not a fan of German engineering be it a toaster or a vehicle. They tend to over engineer the crap out of anything they build and if it breaks you're in need of a team of PhD's and a bank to get it fixed. I've also owned two Jeep Wranglers, a 2010 and myby bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
Putting a freeze on your credit files is a good idea, although it can be a minor hassle if you're applying for a loan or new credit card. Not familiar with the fraud alert thing though as it's the first I've heard of that. A lot of us have gotten our SSNs, phone numbers and such leaked to the dark web recently though. A lot more of my details were leaked in a Chinese crack of the DoD databasby bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
A lot of people figured out that with the free SiriusXM Dealer App on their iPhone or Android they could reactivate the dealer 3-month trial but they'd have to do it in a dealer's lot. (The Sirius designed and maintained APP was built to make it easy for dealers to enable the radio on vehicles in their inventory for customer demo purposes if the dealer was in the Sirius dealer program.) Then somby bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
Being an old DEC employee I enjoyed "Three Day of the Condor" with the PDP-8 and the sounds of a DecWriter printing in the background. And "You've Got Mail" with the sounds of opening up e-mail in AOL. But I go back far enough that I can remember the sounds of an IBM card sorter, card punches and the mainframe card readers.by bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
A friend in Europe sent me some links to studies done over there apparently showing that the COVID tests are not very accurate. But when I mentioned this to a friend who used an expired one on a cruise where she got sick, she reamed me out for spreading "misinformation". Told her if she had COVID I could get her some Ivermectin when we got ashore and she told me she wasn't taking anyby bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
QuoteForrest If I’m reading this right, How the hell is Apple going to not approve the $500 transaction they previously approved two years ago? The approval is probably automatic, the real reason is probably to collect information that they'll forward to the Government.by bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
QuoteBuzz If yaz gotz the addiction gene, youz gonna getz addicted. Full stop. As I've said many times over the years here; we need to come up w/ something that overcomes the addiction gene, then, and only then will society be able to successfully overcome addiction in any meaningful fashion. Let's get on it! 2¢ == Everyone is addicted to something, some idea or some person. Some ofby bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
This is bad, but typical today. Still not as bad as the breach of the Government data base which contains extremely detailed information on individuals who applied for Security Clearances that the Chinese managed back in the Obama days. I've still got Government paid for monitoring thanks to that. Had had a couple of attempts at identify theft and people applying for credit cards in my name (pby bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
If you have any Spectrum service (maybe Time Warner as well) such as Internet or TV, you can get their cell phone plan for $20/mo which runs on Verizon. Not sure if it's de-prioritized or not. My primary service is AT&T on some sort of retiree plan, and I also put Spectrum on my phone. Between the two I get pretty good service and connectivity all over the US, most of Canada and the populatby bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
As my Doctor says, "It's endemic and everyone is going to be exposed and some will get it. Those with strong immune systems will shake it off, those with weak immune systems may have difficulties."by bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
QuoteMikeF We're using about 5-10% less electric since 2021 yet our bill has more than doubled in price. Southern California Edison. Same here! Got my electric bill for last month and it was almost double what it has been and the highest I've ever had. And while the weather has been hot it hasn't been as hot as it typically is, in fact I used less energy than for the same month a year ago.by bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
I've seen this happen on OS X from time to time and what always seem to work is to delete the account in Mail and then add it back in.by bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
QuoteSpeedy Most retail theft is by employees. I think it that were the case places like Walmart wouldn't be checking customer receipts at the door, they'd be checking employees pockets on their way to the parking lot. The employees are at least working, maybe at lower wages than they'd like, unlike a lot of the "customers" who walk thru the front doors.by bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals
Don't know about Apple, but it seems a lot of on-line stores are doing similar things to help increase their revenue. Boggles the mind that Amazon can deliver something "tomorrow" if the buyer has Amazon Prime but takes a week to 10 days to deliver it "free".by bobinmurphy - Tips and Deals