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This just in: Under the Commerce Clause, everyone in America will have to own an HP tablet computer, and owning any other type will be forbidden in the USA. This step is being taken to reduce the costs of computer maintenance. It is in the public's best interest that everyone has the same tablet, so as to reduce virus costs and maintenance for those who cannot afford one.by bradsdad - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Corp for Public Broadcasting gets taxpayer money, and supports NPR. I hear they will now have to have "Some Things Considered" after funding is stopped.by bradsdad - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Okay, so I guess I'd need to run windows. What's the best value for running windows on an MBP? or is that another thread?by bradsdad - Tips and Deals
It seems that many streams on the net (for example, sports events from around the world) are stream torrents, with st:// URLs. Are there any viewers for these on Macs? Google-ing has been fruitless in this endeavor.by bradsdad - Tips and Deals
Quote$tevieQuoteRgrFOne of the more positive side effects of an Obama win would be to let this young woman get her life back with a chance to carve own her own place sans Mom and Dad. For crying out loud, I hope you don't think the Clintons invented having relatives join the campaign trail. You act like Chelsea is the first person in history to campaign for one of her parents. Most parents arby bradsdad - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Same goes for a 8GB ipod touch. Refurb is 250 plus 6%. New is 285 at amazon shipped tax-free, or a bit cheaper with free-after-rebate deals at macmall. So, do you get one that has been bad and been fixed, or a new one?by bradsdad - Tips and Deals
Thanks for info. AT&T website says to use Edge or 3G, but I had heard/read that the current iPhone may not support 3G access. As it turns out, our house is on the edge of the edge of the 3G coverage area.by bradsdad - Tips and Deals
Thanks for the inputs. But it looks like you have to do something against the way that the iphone arrives to use its other functions. Is using a program such as ziPhone to unlock and activate it against any service agreements or ATT policy? I just don't want to get caught up in a hassle later. Also, will current iPhones connect to 3G networks, or just to Edge? I assume that the data plan is whby bradsdad - Tips and Deals
I am looking at an iPod touch, because we don't need another cellphone right now. We have ATT for our cellphones. Can I buy an iPhone and use it for all of its other features without activating it as a cellphone? Effectively we would us it as a touch until we need another cellphone in the family in a year. I understand that "unlocking" it just means getting it to work with non-ATT proby bradsdad - Tips and Deals
Gold is good for areas that are not visible in your smile and you are concerned about lasting quality. No pirates here.by bradsdad - Tips and Deals
There is likely more danger from a broken compact fluorescent light bulb with its mercury than your amalgam filling leeching mercury into your body...by bradsdad - Tips and Deals
I got two gold inlays from my brother when he was in Dental school back in early 1980s. They still look like new. And heck, they could probably fetch a decent dollar on the gold market today too!by bradsdad - Tips and Deals
Go for the GOLD!!!! outlasts humans in dental work.by bradsdad - Tips and Deals
kj, I thought I heard that Laura S. left Judaism and went to Catholicism, which would make her a Christian. I listened to her whenever I could until the stations here went to entirely-political talk shows. Given the usual crowd here, I am not surprised you are her only supporter here. Must be mostly left-coasters here. And her book was "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands", anby bradsdad - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Count your blessings that the Islamists have not found your town yet.by bradsdad - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Maybe Eliott Spitzer would argue Libby's case???by bradsdad - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
"Connective tissue" .. you remind me of my favorite TV cook, Alton Brown. Gotta like Alton, and the science/chemistry of food.by bradsdad - Tips and Deals
For doing only those tasks that the Palm does, which device does it better? The media, pictures, music, and other nice techie stuff will not get used. Trust me on that. Given all that, a friend has a touch that I tried out today and it was quite impressive: small size, nice virtual keyboard features, and given its networking abilities, some of those may get used (maps, email, weather,etc.)by bradsdad - Tips and Deals
So is the point that for one-fifth the price, I get the same amount of stuff? Or that I get a real keyboard with the Treo? High tech comes at a price?by bradsdad - Tips and Deals
Quotesekker I went from a PalmOS Sony CLIE to an iPhone. I miss the better PDA software a little bit, like a real to do list. I make do with the Notes feature, but it does not sync with my mac (something in the final beta build of Leopard but omitted in the shipping version. Hopefully that will reappear). ..clip... Or consider the TX - it IS a good PDA. But that product market is dying, so suby bradsdad - Tips and Deals
I am surprised that the iTouch and the iPhone are both smaller than a Palm TX. My wife is always looking to having a smaller purse to carry around... So we could remove her V3 RAZR and her Palm and replace them with a smaller device that does more... for under $300... We could use another cellphone here... and we use ATT/Cingular. And we are Mac folks... 7 or 8 in the house now. Sounds like a gby bradsdad - Tips and Deals
locally a guy is selling a Palm TX for 145 on craigslist. New is $250 at amazon. Good deal?by bradsdad - Tips and Deals
What is this "June" date? Two people have mentioned "June". Is this some rumor or something firm? FWIW, we have ATT/Cingular for our cell service, so an iPhone would be a possibility. June: Do you mean the JVM from Sun for the devices?by bradsdad - Tips and Deals
Apple's site gives zero indication of the iTouch's functions for scheduling and contacts. It touts the Music, Movies, and such, and those items are not desired in the least. If its scheduling is like the calendar on an ipod, that's no good. Can I add items easily? See an entire day at a glance? I have never physically seen a Touch, so I don't know how it handles these functions that she would useby bradsdad - Tips and Deals
It looks like my wife's Palm m130 is biting the dust. I replaced the battery, but after a few weeks, the unit loses its charge very quickly (you can watch it go down after a recharge). I opened up the unit last night and made sure the battery was connected securely. But I don't have much hope. We homeschool our three kids (ages 17,14,8) and my wife and kids are very busy. She uses her Palm alby bradsdad - Tips and Deals
Have you verified that the pismo was getting power from the power adaptor? The AC board is a chronic issue on pismos (connection gets loose from stress during connection and removal). OSX Tiger does not reflect charging time on pismos (i have two). It will always say "Calculating..."by bradsdad - Tips and Deals
But they prosecuted a homeowner for digging a trench around his home to protect it from a fire, for destroying the environment. Anything's possible.by bradsdad - Tips and Deals
Where's the tip or deal here? Sorry, been slapped for not keeping on topic. Deal for the boy, maybe? Anyways, to add to the thread, the boy's innocent, but maybe go for the store that sold the matches? It works for getting restaurants and bars for getting a driver drunk.by bradsdad - Tips and Deals
It's actually even more skewed in 2005 statistics. Just means that folks making over $120,000 will be paying that debt share, not the lower 50% of earners. So yes, it;s related. open your mind.by bradsdad - 'Friendly' Political Ranting