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Buy, Buy, Buyby MacManMaz - Tips and Deals
If you do any reading on the subject, you will quickly find that the real nuclear threat to you and me is medical diagnosis and treatment. Ask yourself how many radiological exams including xrays, catscans, nuclear stress tests, kidney scans, etc you have had in your life. Many men are walking around with radioactive implants in their prostrate and others have gone through extensive radiotherapyby MacManMaz - Tips and Deals
We are suffering from an onslaught of "news" reports quoting supposed nuclear experts. Bear in mind that these "experts" are mostly from the one country in the world that has mostly ignored any advances in nuclear power plants and hasn't even tried to build a new one in 40 years! They are hired by the news agencies to basically talk up the hype and grab viewers to sell commercby MacManMaz - Tips and Deals
"The install disc is locked to the Mac it comes with -- always been the way since they started charging for Systems/OSes for ages. It's a business model, most basically put -- i.e., don't give away something you otherwise can make money on." Not exactly, I have installed newer versions of OS 9 and OS 10 on iMacs including the origional Bondi Blue, Blue 336, Emac, and three white inby MacManMaz - Tips and Deals
Hoping there is somebody that knows more than me, getting ready to hit the local Apple store. Can two people have seperate settings for email, browsing, facebook etc. and switch between users somehow? Can you buy the iPad2 and then decide which carrier (At&t or Verizon) after purchase? Thanksby MacManMaz - Tips and Deals
After going through the tedious and messy job of mounting our new 46 inch LCD on the wall and running cables in the wall, I am glad that I got the 1080p. I may or may not upgrade any of my other equipment in the future, but the considerable amount of time and effort to get the TV right makes it the one component that I don't want to upgrade for a while. You'll think the same thing about half wby MacManMaz - Tips and Deals
Life is stranger than fiction sometimes.. Makes me laugh.. I don't own MSFT stock.by MacManMaz - Tips and Deals
I jumped on the refurb yesterday. After all the hassle with configuring and intermittent restarts with Linksys routers, it was time to stop fooling around. Sure, the extreme costs more but what price do you put on your sanity?by MacManMaz - Tips and Deals
If she never said those remarks, she would still be anti-semitic and now we know that it probably colored her reporting her entire career. Don't weep for her retirement, cheer. And then lament it didn't happen sooner.by MacManMaz - Tips and Deals
I almost overwrote a drive with SuperDuper once, but it always brings up a dialog box warning that it cannot find the drive that it previously used. I don't see any way that it could do that without user error.by MacManMaz - Tips and Deals
QuoteAP Story It will take about eight hours to recharge a Leaf using a 220-volt electric plug — the kind used by most electric clothes dryers. Charging using a standard 110-volt outlet could take twice that. Nissan is giving Leaf customers the option of buying a home charging station at an estimated cost, including installation, of $2,200. That cost can be offset by a 50-percent tax credit upby MacManMaz - Tips and Deals
does the koolaid taste good?by MacManMaz - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
The entire US recorded the coldest winter in december since 2000. BRRRRR This kinda goes along with what the few relatively unheard scientists that did not drink the Al Gore Koolaid have been saying about solar radiation and solar cycle #24. I really think that "old Sol" has much more to do with global temps than anything that "old Al" says. Go ahead rant at me.by MacManMaz - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
QuoteAugust West QuoteI don't care to have a movie director's opinions pushed on me unless I know ahead of time that is type of movie it is I'm unaware of movies that do not push the director's "opinion". Isn't every frame the director's "opinion' ? Obviously, there are films that you expect to have the director's political opinion and I sometimes decide to spend my money and tby MacManMaz - Tips and Deals
Just purchased/installed a 46" samsung LCD. Great picture and prices have come way down from last year. It was the model 610, which is sold exclusively through warehouse stores, we got it at BJs but you may see it at Costco. Size: My 46" is about 48" wide, and is great for viewing from 6 to 10 feet. Our experience showed that price rose exponentially above 46" and if you arby MacManMaz - Tips and Deals
Hows that Global Warming working out for ya?by MacManMaz - Tips and Deals
News announcers apparently don't need to know simple math... Tomorrow will be the first day of the last year of the decade. Next year (2011), Jan 1st will be the first day of the second decade of the millennium.by MacManMaz - Tips and Deals
Well, we recently had a half gal of organic soy milk that had 3 days to go before expiration in the fridge. When we went to use it, we discovered where tofu comes from. When it's bad it'll curdle. Funny thing is, it didn't smell bad at all.by MacManMaz - Tips and Deals
Fresh Install (without all those wacky language files and foreign fonts. Do not zero hard drive. Connect external drive on first bootup. Use migration assistant (should automatically launch).by MacManMaz - Tips and Deals
QuoteKen Sp. Yes-use the one that has the speaker icon I don't think that is correct, it looks like there is only one audio OUT - the one with the headphone symbol. You can use an analog mini pin stereo(male) to analog RCA Stereo (female) cable/convertor. Then good RCA male to male cable to the stereo/TVby MacManMaz - Tips and Deals
BTW that Cable from monoprice won't do you any good since you have no digital in (mini or otherwise) on the TV or receiver. You could in theory use a digital to analog convertor instead to convert the digital out on the MBP to the RCA stereo analog inputs, but I don't think that gets you anything better than the analog output on the MBP.by MacManMaz - Tips and Deals
Toslink Optical cable from the MBP to the TV will give you cleaner sound and support 5.1 dolby surround sound, but I don't know if netflix streams in 5.1. Also, you didn't list any optical or digital audio input on the TV, and we know there isn't any optical input on the 70's Marantz, so the Optical cable doesn't seem to get you anywhere. A mini stereo plug to RCA cable and a good shielded sby MacManMaz - Tips and Deals
You can choose weather or not to migrate applications and files, or just files. I believe that you can also choose individual applications to exclude. You can remove the pre-installed demo version of iWork on the new iMac before using migration assistant. It is only good for 30 days and then you have to buy it and you would get new install discs anyway. Use the migration assistant to bring over iby MacManMaz - Tips and Deals
I Have 6. Not very mac-like interface, but a solid performer. A little inconvenient when using with iPhoto. From what I have read, 8 sounds very similar. Just a few more automated effects. You may consider picking up a copy of 6 cheap.by MacManMaz - Tips and Deals
Not sure what you are asking. a. Play music from your ipod through the speakers on the computer. b. Play music from your computer itunes library through the speakers on the computer. c. Play music from your computer itunes library through wi-fi on your ipod. d. Stream music through your internet connection and play it on the computer speakers. There is a simple way to do all of the aboveby MacManMaz - Tips and Deals
I don't know, but I think I've seen this question before.by MacManMaz - Tips and Deals
QuoteDon C Next year these people will be in charge of our health No, YOU are in charge of your health. If Congress decides to do so, the gov't could have a hand in your health insurance. BIG difference. NO, it ain't going to happen that way. You'll see. See you in the que..by MacManMaz - Tips and Deals
Quotejosntme QuoteRAMd®d I remember a while back in Oakland CA, a woman on her way from work to a meeting, drove in the fog, down what she thought was a street. It turned out to be a boat ramp at a marina. I think it took a week to check the area and find her. Somebody else did something similar a year before, but I don't think they died. This happened outside of Austin, TX near my daugby MacManMaz - Tips and Deals
What Doc said.. and I would start with a clean instal of SL, then use migration assistant.by MacManMaz - Tips and Deals