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I've built a hackintosh, I've had many Macs over the years, I even gotten it working on several PCs (although I confess not linux... yet.) This one thing I could not get working on an Apple Silicon Mac - although I confess to not trying very hard - is using Handbrake to make a mp4 video copy of a DVD I own so I could watch it on my TV without a disc player connected. I know back in the dayby gabester - Tips and Deals
It's almost certainly the particular site; browsers try hard to be compatible, but they can't anticipate everything and those fields really are intended to be manually entered to reduce fraud / bot stealing your info and buying lots of stuff.by gabester - Tips and Deals
All hail the Usurper King!by gabester - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
I'm... just not sure Nazi jokes are actually funny to anyone who isn't a 14 year old socially awkward boy or otherwise has suffered an intellectual development disability that prevents them from experiencing empathy.by gabester - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
QuoteOmbligo I immediately think of two sayings -- 1) A fool and his money are soon parted 2) There is a sucker born every minute Except in this case, the fool wants to manage your money for you, and he has the political power to arbitrarily affect markets to his will. As a usurper king with no checks on his power, he can declare tariffs to impact an industry, or have the IRS go after a coby gabester - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Quote$tevie It's going to end when Republicans in Congress realize that their jobs are going to be on the line, because ain't no jobs if there ain't no Legislative Branch. It's a question of how long before they figure out that the risk of being primaried is moot if there's no seats to run for. I don't think their jobs are on the line. They can be coopted by the usurper king's imperial administby gabester - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
QuoteLemon Drop Meanwhile Mace has strongly supported Trump, Hegseth, and other Republican men credibly accused of similar crimes. I want to believe her, but given her close ties with and support of the Republiban leadership esp the usurper king and his cabinet choices, my paranoia suggests this could all be to discredit any woman who comes after with the same / similar allegations.by gabester - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
I've been doing my own taxes for years, relying on the Federal Income Tax Spreadsheet 1040 - If you've got past returns and you trust the previous numbers - it shouldn't be too hard unless you do something unusual like buy/sell a house or other investments that aren't covered by what you've been doing in the past.by gabester - Tips and Deals
These are the only deals left at the moment: WiFi 256GB Blue & Purple - $499 WiFi 512GB Purple & Starlight - $699 WiFi + Cellular 256GB Purple & Starlight - $649by gabester - Tips and Deals
Yeah but what about the first iPad Pros that aren't supported anymore?by gabester - Tips and Deals
Sorry... how is the race to improve AI to the point where it actually becomes "generally intelligent" a "cold war"? Right now despite the massive computing power applied, it's still just fancy tricks with statistics. That it seems to produce results similar to what our brains do with neural connections does not mean that it's actually smart, just that it is massively "by gabester - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
This would make more sense if the people implementing "DOGE" were anything but con artists and grifters themselves. Elon wouldn't be the success he is without the largesse of the federal government's subsidies and tax credits - the money he made from paypal would not have been enough to get Tesla or SpaceX into the black without it. Nor is he non-partisan in this. Moreover,by gabester - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Ah so this is how he's going to turn tXitter into the payments system he's always dreamed of. This is why he spent $250 million to buy the election. Interesting that this is playing out as his primary wealth generator, Tesla, is having its worst financial performance in years.by gabester - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
I picked up that $80 deal for a 1.5TB microSD card a few weeks back... Not sure I need a 2TB for $20 more right now...by gabester - Tips and Deals
I'm going to be holding them to account for the price of CARS. If removing all these fuel efficiency requirements don't suddenly make all these ICE cars a lot cheaper, we should all be completely outraged.by gabester - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
QuoteLemon Drop We've known for a decades that ATC towers were dangerously understaffed. If this turns out to be controller error, maybe that can finally change. I suspect if this is the case the change will be elimination of the human jobs and replacement with something from the X-in-Chief's xAI. After all if SpaceX can manage 7000 satellites in orbit, why couldn't they manage 45,000 flights dby gabester - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
I suppose the operating theory from all the major corporate leaders is, "well we have to deal with this guy for 4 years, let's just stroke his ego and then it'll be back to business as usual in the next administration." Except, of course, that presumably they'll have ramrodded through the tax cut renewal and further emaciated the Federal government to be unable to curb the worst of tby gabester - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Wait... one of the first things he says is... "We stopped $50 million dollars in condoms sent to Gaza and ended up used to make bombs!"by gabester - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
The lack of competence at governing of the first set of companies is concerning, but Palantir's level of data access is downright terrifying - that's what they'll use to remove anyone who has a whiff of disloyalty to the usurper king.by gabester - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Note that the laptop says Pro but the CPU does not. Consider this more like a MacBook Air++by gabester - Tips and Deals
There's a part of me that wants Kennedy to get confirmed because I think he will be such an absolute disaster out of the gate and attract so much attention that the usurper king will get upset with him and hopefully this will kick off the infighting that slows the administration down. Just a part, tho, because I think that the even greater suffering and harm he can do to access to medical treby gabester - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Quotemrbigstuff Quote$tevie Chuck Schumer comes out to announce it, and makes it seem as boring as could be. He's got to GO. This is what prompted my thread below. You're both right, and wrong. At some level, the way we're going to stop this is by continuing to operate some things as business as usual. I just remember watching the movie Contagion. It's so frustrating how slowly the goby gabester - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Why not politics girl? And then a cacophony of everyone else at every level pointing out 10,000 different flaws with this administrations actions and its illegality and criminality. Somehow tho we have to penetrate the maga red state base and get them deprogrammed.by gabester - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Quotespecial Quotewurm I sure hope he doesn't fire all the air traffic controllers - at least until we're back from vacation in a week or so. AirForce One! Hm... not to sidetrack this thread but I suspect this is part of Elon's support for this administration. He's got a plan to put all the air traffic controllers out of business. He's already controlling more satellites traveling much fasterby gabester - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
While we're all distracted with immigration raids and renaming the body of water south of Texas and west of Florida, the usurper king's real machinations are more subtle, the "temporary" freeze or impoundment of funds appropriated by Congress that must be spent under 1974 law. If that money is held up even a few days in some cases it will set off a domino effect of instability. No doby gabester - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
My biggest concern outside the lack of reputation from the listed supplier is, of course, that Apple updates something and renders the drive module unusable, or worse, bricks the whole Mac mini.by gabester - Tips and Deals
QuoteLemon Drop I suspect by 2029 we'll be the United States of Trump. Or maybe a United Trump of States? It's taken me a few posts but I finally comprehended President F-Elon. Well played, as in convicted... and forget that Musk billionaire too.by gabester - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
I say let the narcissist usurper king dissolve the Federal government as quickly as possible so that the blue states with functioning governments can set up a new one.by gabester - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Apparently in the 1930s, 40s, and 50s in the US there were several high profile indictments of fascists including coup plans, contesting the election (like in congress on Jan 6th not the mob outside) and diseminating Nazi and antisemitic propaganda from within the halls of Congress; and even a few cases went to trial. None resulted in adequate convictions if they resulted in any legal consequenceby gabester - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
The previous administration, and even the 44th Presidency, needed to go hard at the people that are now running things and will never call for healing or ease up on the unwitting civilian population as they tighten a fist of ever increasing oppression around the people's necks. An easy opportunity was presented in '22 to declare war on Russia and go after all their operatives and their collaboby gabester - 'Friendly' Political Ranting