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Quote3dCan you cut a hole in that back wall and install a window?
That's the very first thing I thought of.
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QuoteM A V I CThat make sense. Still, with these things tending to be so long, I don't think I'd ever do one without music.
It's a race, not a jog. Personally, I'd find it hard to focus on the competition if I had music playing in my ears.
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I did some triathlons when I was younger, and I agree, that swim is rough. The ones I did were in cold lake water and the roughest part is dealing with all the other people trying to elbow you out of the way and swim over the top of you. Generally the swim was out and back, so getting around those turn buoys was like a free-for-all rumble in the water.
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I just got up (7:30). Everyone else is still asleep. I'll make some tea for me and the wife, have some toast and marmalade, unpack the car from our boogieboarding at the beach trip yesterday, try to get the kids to wash the dog (he's still full of sand and salt), put the finishing touches on a vintage stove I'm restoring (in prep for installing in our kitchen), do a bit of yard work, then head
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The only real world testing on K&N type filters that I have ever read indicate that they don't help performance and they negatively impact engine life. Here's just one of many websites on this:
All the pro K&N websites I've seen have one thing in common....NO DATA.
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Yep, it's like saying "yank". I don't think either term is derogatory unless you put it in the wrong context.
"I love you brits!" versus "I hate you damn brits!"
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If you want to know what homes actually sell for, then you need to explore
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QuoteM A V I CIs there anything that's a little more flexible than those? For example, I would like to set them up based on what I'm doing, not what apps I want to use. .
What do you mean? There is no such restriction in Desktop Manager and I'm reasonably sure there is no such restriction in VirtueDesktops either. Have you actually tried them out?
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We'll soon be flying naked. I for sure want to be able to choose my seat partners.
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QuoteM A V I C
I just looked at the local bike shop and they mainly carry Trek and Specialized. I'm not a big fan of either of those brands.
Lance Armstrong rides're right, must be junk.
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"Is Seinfeld good in concert? "
I didn't know he could sing.
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I use Desktop Manager. It's beta, but I've never had a problem with it.
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I'm another one of those folks who have forgotten what a commercial is. ReplayTV's automatic commercial skipping is something I don't think I could watch TV without.
Seriously, I really don't understand how people can actually arrange their schedules around the live TV schedule and then be subjected to mass quantities of commercials in this day and age of PVRs.
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QuoteRacer Xeven safer.
when you get rear ended, the accident is still a block behind you.
Not only that, but other drivers go to great pains to stay far away from you.
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I'll repeat what someone else said, because it bears repeating. Shop for the service first, based primarily on how good their coverage is in the area you will be using the phone. Unlike the rest of the world, the US has a patchwork of overlapping, incompatible cellular networks and many of the providers have terrible coverage in some areas. You can't trust the cell provider's maps...they are u
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I still have the scars from being injured on one as a teenager (severe head injury from hitting where the springs attach to the frame...also neck trauma from the impact). I'm lucky to be alive and not paralyzed. There is no way that you can be 100% vigilant against kids not trying tricks (somersaults, etc) or stop all their bad landings, and it only takes one bad landing to cause a life changi
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The folks I know who've installed good quality bamboo absolutely love it, and it is plenty durable. However, IMHO there is no way it would go with the style of a victorian unless it is going into a room that has already had all of the "victorian" stripped out of it. I've owned houses (including my current one) that had been inappropriately modified in such ways...and I can occasionally
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I saw the Naudet's documentary. It was fantastic, and everyone should see it. I don't know whether I'll go see Oliver Stone's movie or not. However, whoever suggested that Stone doesn't do patriotic movies is out of their mind.
'Friendly' Political Ranting
QuotemichaelbPeople have been asking for multiple desktops for a long time (I think that was in Next) and Spaces may be finally implementing that.
I've used Desktop Manager previously, though I haven't redownloaded the Tiger compatible version. It is a very nice multiple desktop application.
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Quotevision63It has everything to do with priorities and proper context. The energy wasted being concerned with "roid rage" (of which I've never met a soul suffering from that malady here in Oakland), performance enhancing drugs has permeated our entire culture, not just sports. It's not only in the sports sections of newspapers.
I don't really know what you're talking about. I read
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Quotevision63This religious acceptance of what "the establishment" says as being legitimate versus what someone like Floyd says is what I have the biggest problem with. Governments and authority lie all the time. The urge to immediately condemn individuals without questioning authority and it's motives is dangerous. Soon enough every accomplishment by anyone will be under scrutiny based
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His own protestations and multiple excuses were almost as incriminating as the tests. Did he think nobody would take note when he went from a total burn out stage to suddenly becoming superman and blowing everybody away on the next stage. That alone looked fishy. Damn cheater! He's a bum! I'll take all that back if he turns out to be innocent, but it looks extremely unlikely.
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I am shocked!! I was certain that we were only going to get Safari 2.5 and they are going all the way to 3.0. Yippeee!!!
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You don't need spotlight...the finder's find command works just fine. Also, can't you get the lost files off your backups?
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What are ya trying to do MGS...hex it again?!
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I firmly believe that if an exercise routine is done alone and is not fun, then it is not going to work. Your attitude expressed here already seems like you are doomed to failure. My suggestion would be to rethink and try to figure out a fun activity to do with friends (bike riding, volleyball, swimming, a zillion other activities).
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Can't help you because I never found a decent PM software package. They all seem to be designed by engineers who want you to become a slave to the software instead of the other way around. Although I was considered an "expert" in MS Project at my old company, I think that product is the worst POS ever produced by microsofft. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
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Yup, it's all Paul's fault! Now perhaps Seacrest will get a chance to buy when it's down. Watch for a steep drop tomorrow.
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Hmmm. Berkeley is chock full of churches, so I don't believe that for a minute.
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QuoteJohn B.Hmmm....awful lot of computer folks who say they don't eat fast food. Side poll...does that mean that people are eating homemade, or everyone is just eating out at "upscale" restaurants that they don't consider fast food?
I don't consider myself a computer person or even a food snob, but that fits me to a "T". Most of my food is homemade, and eating out is reser
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