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Quotewurm I’m surprised that people don’t wear their seatbelts except to get up. I don't fly a lot, but I'm buckled in from the moment I get in my seat until we've landed. I hit the restroom at the gate just before boarding. Moot point since this was a landing where you are required to be in your seat with belt on (not that a particularly recalcitrant idiot couldn't pop it off anyway).by Lux Interior - Tips and Deals
Quoteapocketfulofwry Violates 4 U.S. Code § 8 - Respect for flag: Ironically, these rules do not apply to "patriots.*" They want to have the death penalty for people who burn the flag, but they can disrespect the flag all they want because they are "patriots." Bastardize the flag with a blue/red line? Just fine. Tear the middle of the flag and wear it like a ponchoby Lux Interior - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Isn't your phone basically a Kindle reader if it has the app?by Lux Interior - Tips and Deals
Tar baby.by Lux Interior - Tips and Deals
Quotepdq Oh, BTW: QuoteTesla was approached for comment. Apparently the most “maximumly transparent” company and CEO in the history of ever, had none. Why would he respond to the Lügenpresse? He will address the masses on Twitter.by Lux Interior - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Sorry don't feed the bulldog, son. Report to the nearest re-education center immediately.by Lux Interior - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
QuoteOmbligo Does it come with a redhead? Yes. Show spoiler Hide spoilerby Lux Interior - Tips and Deals
Quotespecial Anyway, how many people can afford such things? How much time do you spend in your bed? What if it relieved back pain and improved your sleep? I don't know if I'd pay that much, but I'd love to try it.by Lux Interior - Tips and Deals
Elba! Elba! Elba!by Lux Interior - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
I make mashed taters for Thanksgiving every year. Peel and cut into pieces 5 lbs of Yukon Gold potatoes. Put in large pot with cold water. Heat to boiling & boil for 15 minutes. Heat/melt one pound unsalted butter with 16 oz heavy cream. Run potato chunks through ricer into large bowl. Pour in butter/creme mixture and stir/whip. Put in warming oven. Drink wine.by Lux Interior - Tips and Deals
Suckers & losers. None of those cowards had to navigate the hell of social diseases in NYC.by Lux Interior - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
QuoteTiangou WTF are you talking about? Settle down, 10k boy. It was what the article stated. You can read the article to see what the $18MM covered.by Lux Interior - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Such a surprise after how smoothly and expertly he re-made Twitter in a steaming pile of Trump.by Lux Interior - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Quote$tevie Put that in the Friday Funnies thread! Oh, yeah. It's not funny.by Lux Interior - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
It's not pork & waste when MY state gets money!by Lux Interior - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
So we got at least one J6-er and the "Intel wasn't 100%" guy. Not a lot, but it's a start.by Lux Interior - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Just add a few inches of lead shielding to the ship. Jeez people...this isn't rocket... Oh, wait...by Lux Interior - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Quotespecial Do you think there will be a strong backlash agains this extreme capitalism where rich get richer and poor get poorer? lol, no. The raison d'etre of the republican party is make sure the rich get richer.by Lux Interior - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Poorest Americans = "Parasites" to Musk. Why don't these people sell their emerald mines if they need money?by Lux Interior - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
They will just round it up to a cool billion. Then cut more aid programs for parasites poor people.by Lux Interior - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Rather than start 100 threads (which might trigger the snowflakes) let's just put it all in a summary thread. Here's a start: Musk calls recipients of Federal aid "Parasites." Elon is showing that he is really a republican by showing no empathy or self-awareness. He has received $18 million in federal dollars. Musk has no idea what "Doxxing" is. Or he's jusby Lux Interior - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Not masking up makes me feel smarter than those smug medical professionals.by Lux Interior - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
What kind of boy are ya, Johnny?by Lux Interior - Tips and Deals
I got a couple fake airtags through Vine. They were not as loud as Apple's, and they had a power switch. The sequence to turn them off was obscure enough to not be a big problem, though.by Lux Interior - Tips and Deals
No, but I prepare paninis post-haste for prescribed public perusal.by Lux Interior - Tips and Deals
QuoteBlackAnyone ever found a way to filter for new content? I just want to see what's dropped in the last week or so. Closest I've come is "subscriptions" but that still throws in old old stuff. For a particular channel, I go to the "Videos" tab from their home page. You can sort by Latest, Popular, and Oldest:by Lux Interior - Tips and Deals
QuoteAcer Only liberals watch PBS or listen to NPR, but for some reason they still have to be "next." Only smug people. Being informed is woke, ya know.by Lux Interior - 'Friendly' Political Ranting