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Quotemrlynn If it were me, I might try to find RV travelers, vacationers, college students, or truckers who are planning a trip in the right direction, and offer to pay a modest fee for transporting the chair. Well, that's the idea behind the peer-to-peer services. Otherwise, I don't know how I'd find someone going the right way. No one drives to Texas in July for a vacation. I thought therby Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
I can't find the (discontinued) model I want in North Texas and I have an extra one in Chicago. Probably only $175 or so to ship UPS but I'd have to find a box big enough to put it in. Does anyone have experience with peer-to-peer operations where someone who's driving to Dallas and has room will take a shipment for you? Roadie, Stowaway, and GoShare seem to be the best known of these.by Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
Have you ever tried Google Keep? I have a dozen lists going at any given time, from things to do to shopping lists for a couple of different grocery stores to my Christmas list. Automatically syncs with a tab I have pinned in Chrome.by Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
iTunes confuses the hell out of me these days, demanding I log in to their store just to listen to something. I'm also unsure that it will play MP3s I got from various places a long time ago. A friend mentioned switching to VLC as a better player.by Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
I've thought of a few more songs I'd like to put on my computer and on my iPhone. How would I buy and download those nowadays so that I could play them when I'm not connected to the Internet, and so they wouldn't need me to be current on some subscription or streaming service?by Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
Here's another option you may want to look at.by Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
Every time this comes up, I remind people that every metro area has a few big used office furniture places. Often you can see some indication of their inventory by browsing Craigslist. The point is that you need to go sit in some chairs and see which ones fit your back, your upper leg length, etc. For me, after buying and then disposing of several serious options, the perfect chair turned ouby Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
Yes, that's what I have to use when I move my photos from iCloud. I can never remember where to look for the command, though. In GC12, it's under the icon that looks sort of like a factory, or maybe a two-week calendar.by Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
QuoteTiangou Quotehal I hate that when I go to the Music app to press play, I'm greeted with a full screen warning that I'm not connected to the internet... Easy fix: Sign out from the Music app and App Store and you'll be able to play your own music again. Play it using what?by Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
As a gay man, I want to be sympathetic to the normalization of nonbinary people. But I find that in most of the contexts where it's asked, such as starting an in-person meeting, the only pronoun ever needed will be you, yours.by Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
Crimp connectors were very common in the 1970s-80s. They saved installers time because the wires didn't have to be stripped. Phone wiring could be counted on to be the same gauge, and just like a punchdown block, the connectors were precisely made to cut through the insulation but not the wire. So far as I know they have no waterproofing characteristics; just that you can put the two wire in, criby Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
W3W (which has been around for years) is one of those absurd brainstorms we cartographers joke about. Apparently it never occurred to W3W that the entire world doesn't read and write Roman characters, much less English words with their inconsistent spellings. English-speaking lands typically already have pretty complete addressing systems.by Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
I'm very happy with my old-school Sodastream charger from about 15 years ago; one that charges the 1 liter bottles. When it became more difficult to get the large canisters, I bought one of the adapter hoses off eBay and built a nice little cabinet to hide the tank and hose. I drink about a liter per day, and go to get a canister refill about every 10 months.by Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
A few times a year, a graphic design/cartography client will ask to pay me by credit card. These are amounts in the $600 to $1800 range. What's the best way for that to happen without a big chunk going to fees? (I got burned by a PayPal transfer last year.) I have PayPal and Venmo already set up.by Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
It's not so much that we Boomers have a duty to downsize; it's that we have the political clout to prevent new housing from being built. Chicago has seen bungalow-belt homeowners raise absurd objections (it will darken the sky!) to even four-story apartment buildings being built down the street from them. So have San Francisco and many other cities. Last week, St Louis's largest office buildiby Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
A map of likelihood of cloud cover, which will be updated as the event gets nearer:by Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
Perhaps because I've read a lot of history surrounding the Manhattan Project, I actually found the film rather bloated and pretentious. It certainly could have been 30% shorter. There are many good books on the subject, but one that gives a lot of the human dimension to the "secret city" of Los Alamos, as well at the port of arrival in Santa Fe, is Jennet Conant's 109 East Palace.by Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
I've carried a number of pens with calligraphy nibs through the decades, but I've probably carried this one for the most years: Reform Calligraphy 1.1 mm Of course, I lose one every decade or so. Luckily, I grabbed three or four off eBay about 15 years ago before they got expensive. I generally don't take it on international trips, but carry an Artline LiteTouch 0.4 to fill out immigratby Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
I've been pretty happy with my Jansport Odyssey 39-liter I picked up years ago, for trips up to a week, and I use an Osprey Porter 46 for longer trips. Here's a serious comparison spreadsheet. There's an entire subreddit called /r/onebag for those of us who travel light.by Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
I know this is a deal site, but keep the big picture in mind. Unless you're just doing a weekend, your lodging costs in London will dwarf any savings of $70 each way that you might find in such a competitive corridor. And the weather when you get there will be a big factor in how much you enjoy your trip. I use Weatherspark to look at the best months to visit various places. Low-priced lodgings iby Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
I got a pair for Christmas, and on one of their first outings, somehow lost the right one. Where would folks suggest looking for a replacement right-side AirPod? Model number on the box is MTJV3AM/A, which I think is "second generation," but I'm confused that various eBay and other listings look different. Mine have the soft silicone extension fitting.by Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
That'll buy a lot of model railway stuff.by Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
The first generation of mountain bike knobbies were indeed a problem, sacrificing rolling resistance for grip. I struggled across Wisconsin's Elroy-Sparta trail with my first mountain bike in 1991, wishing for my road bike instead. But then someone had the bright idea to put a solid ridge down the centerline, which lowers rolling resistance considerably. When you lean off horizontal, the higherby Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
I'm a big fan of Slime tubes, which self-seal small punctures. More than once I've been out riding far from home and flatted, but just stopped and pulled out the offending tack or whatever and pumped the tire back up with my little lightweight portable pump, enough to get to a gas station with a working inflator. No patching needed; then or later.by Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
I don't have a car, but when I go somewhere and rent one I like to have a paper map with me, to be able to see the big picture. Many places in the world they're getting harder to find, though. I sometimes will buy ADAC or TCI maps on European eBay, or Omnimap has quite a few. As a mapmaker, I was never very much in the folded-paper-map market, thank goodness, as I've seen company after companyby Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
In some cities, the transit farecard machines give change in dollar coins. I ended up with a heavy pocketful after a recent adventure in Dallas. I was at one point a big fan of dollar coins, but found that not even all bank branches kept them on hand.by Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
At most big international airports, there'll be kiosks or counters (on the landside, past customs and security) selling SIM cards, and they'll happily do the installation and activation on the spot. Takes five minutes unless it's one of the countries (like China) with obstacles hard for foreigners to clear. My trips often hopscotch among 4 or 5 countries, and it's not uncommon to have to get a neby Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
I spent a couple of years looking for the perfect living room sofa, and finally decided on one from BoConcepts that has now served quite admirably for 21 years. Back then, they didn't yet have a store in Chicago, but I thought so highly of the sofa that I paid for shipping by truck from Dallas. But BoConcepts stores are now found all around the world, and they seem to be well-regarded.by Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
This is lettering, not a typeface. That means the architect drew the letters, and a craftsman carved them by hand following that guidance. The most distinctive details are the high crossbar on the E (presumably also the F) and the R, the low crotches on the N and K. Any reasonably competent designer could modify a typeface like DIN or Trade Gothic Condensed to match these letterforms, and proby Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals
I sleep on my IKEA Friheten most of the summer and early autumn months (to save on aircon costs) and find it quite as comfortable as my regular mattress. It's a transverse design, like those foldable futon things. Because I'm sleeping alone, I don't bother to pull it out to full width; I just take off the back cushions. A problem with all IKEA sofas is that the seats, at 22 inches, are too deeby Mr Downtown - Tips and Deals