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Awwww...What a good doggie friend you are!by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
I went back to 38910. We started as a community. We should stay with the team...even if that means changing sponsors. (Is that a good analogy?)by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
TheTominator Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I think you have to tell the client to stop and > then restart/resume in order for it to reread the > team number from the configuration file. I did, but thanks for watching my back. ;c)by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
oy...okay...38910 it is. Good thing someone told me now 'cause I was 97% done with one.by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
origami and haikus go together well don't they? Fold away.by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
ha ha ha ha ha the only rule we follow is five-seven-fiveby CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
I love our new digs. Home is where you hang your hat. There's no place like home. (My apologies to Phy for stealing the haiku image, but I love it. May I use it for future Friday haikus?...Please?)by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
I forgot! Oh no! Better late than never but... better never late!by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
MacFoldersFormerlyKnownAsTeamDealmacby CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
MacCommunityby CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
It wasn't so much that I couldn't as that I didn't WANT to!by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
Thanks, Stephanie, for the link to Eagle Ranch Pistachios (www.eagleranchpistachios.com). I bought items for my sisters and dad there...and a little something for myself, too. I look forward to trying the pistachio wine.by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
I took a MENTAL HEALTH DAY! Boy, did I ever need one. I haven't called in sick in over a year either. With the snow/sleet/freezing rain going on today, I just "couldn't" make it to work today. Now I'm relieving a little holiday stress by finishing my Christmas shopping online (hopefully), wrapping gifts, etc. Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but calling in to work is sooooo deby CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
Pizzelle! Isn't that a bull's...oh, wait...that's pizzle. Sorry.by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
Or we could mark stuff OT to mean ON topic! That would really be rebellious! :cDby CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
I found this forum because of your multiple posts and am happy to have a new home. (Afterward, I tried to find it through OWC's home page and couldn't.) You don't owe me an apology. I owe you thanks. For those who were offended by your actions, however, your apology is eloquent and concise. You done good, Tom. PS - Love the Tom/Oprah sig!by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
If you still like them on Friday...Yes!by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
But it says even brianlmoon, dealmac, and dealnews. What does THAT mean???by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
Our Wonderful Club Outstanding Wishes Cometrue (I know, I know...) Others Will Chat Other World Chat...by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
I've been hovering around #25 on folding team 38910 for quite some time. I'm sure my G5 can switch and fold for OWC in a heartbeat. I look forward to overtaking that team in the near future. :c)by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
Hey, bfd! I haven't seen you in...well, a very long time!by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
Christmas came early this year! For you--You found your snake! For me--I found this forum! (I thought I was suffering from holiday depression. As it turned out, I was suffering from forum withdrawal. I'm feeling MUCH better now.)by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
jimmypoo - You're a genius! Thanks!by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
Some of the hardest things for me to buy: 1) for my seventy-plus year old dad 900 miles away 2) for my (female) boss 3) for my two sisters (in other states) 4) stocking stuffers! What are your suggestions?by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
You are the best, Keef! Great movie!by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals