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And the fly got two minutes of uninterrupted time.by CJsNvrUrly - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Quotespace-time And 4 days with no fever Superman? The Chosen Oneby CJsNvrUrly - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
I'm not crying. YOU're crying. (But where are the masks?)by CJsNvrUrly - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Well, he did promise he was going to drain the swamp... Too dark?by CJsNvrUrly - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Our household of four already voted in Virginia. We've never had to wait more than a few minutes. I'm not sure what I'd do if our lines were hours long.by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
This is my fourth Watch. I haven't "noticed" that the haptics are stronger, but that doesn't mean anything. I just haven't noticed. I have mine set to Prominent.by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
We're probably more laid back than most parents. Our daughters live with us (one never left, one came back) and are 29 and 31. One fills and empties the dishwasher; the other is my personal bartender. LOL. Seriously, though, there's more to it than that. We work it out as we go along.by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
Oddly enough, I found a checkbox under System Prefs/General: Ask to keep changes when closing documents. Try that.by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
Waitin4CJ is at the liquor store now, as a matter of fact. Southern Comfort sale ends today.by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
QuoteLemon Drop I'll watch for the same reason people watch NASCAR - there's a reasonable chance that something is going to crash and burn. If I can stay awake until 10:30 it'll mean that thing was pretty interesting.by CJsNvrUrly - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
I used to know Spanish, American Sign Language, shorthand, and speedwriting. Unfortunately, like anything else...use it or lose it.by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
I'm so jelly! I wanted to get the navy Watch but the expected delivery time is mid-November! (on the Apple site) I was curious, too, to know about the new bands. Thanks for the review.by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
I made a small donation to St. Jude and now I'll never need a return address label again.by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
I thought you meant this one... Ring-a-round the rosie, A pocket full of posies, Ashes! Ashes! We all fall down.by CJsNvrUrly - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Keep a paper towel in with them and cover the container loosely with cellophane.by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
Quoterz What are they the brand names of? I've never heard of either one. The miscellaneous crap they've been selling on Dealnews. We used to be able to go there and get real deals.by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
Szxsdy? Axyofsp? Really??by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
...wasted away in Macaritaville...by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
That's a REALLY interesting question. I don't know the answer, though. It opens up so many other questions and scenarios. Wow.by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
I, too, took the plunge and am enjoying the perks of my shiny, new Apple Card. Thank you.by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
Whaaaat? I thought Tucker was up Trump's...ahem...rear.by CJsNvrUrly - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Happy Birthday I have to sing it twice, numerous times per day.by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
My sister has an e*trade account already set up. The 24th is her birthday. I'd have to check with her to see if she's got the funds already transferred and ready to pounce. We were just wondering if it's better to do it now or wait until the split. AAPL has been climbing since we started talking about it.by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
With the four for one split approaching rapidly, would you buy one share now or wait until it splits on the 24th and buy four of them? Asking for a friend.by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
I'm finally in remission from MPAG (Microscopic Polyaangitis and Granulomatosis, formerly known as Wegener's) and off the dreaded Imuran (Azathioprine). It's been nearly three years since I was first diagnosed. Feelin' stronger every day!by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
I have the Fat Tire Trike (Fat Tire Trike which is a bit less than the Mid-Drive Fat Tire Trike that you posted, Steve G, at $2300 (plus shipping). It’s pictured without rear fenders, but does come with them. It’s a beast of a trike, though, and I wouldn’t recommend it for an 85 year old, which is why I suggest the Liberty Trike.by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
I have an electric trike and it's a whole 'nother beast. I purchased it through electricrike.com. They sell many types of electric bikes, trikes, and recumbents. I follow them on FB and their Liberty Trike is especially popular among the older folks. They're located in Pennsylvania where the bikes are assembled (but the bikes are shipped, unassembled, from China) and have great customer service.by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
Maybe this will help.by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals
Ask them and express your concerns. They should be able to explain it.by CJsNvrUrly - Tips and Deals