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Quote$tevie He can't legally serve another term. Two terms is the limit, consecutive or otherwise. His SCOTUS can probably remove that little obstacle.by DeusxMac - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Thinning the herd.by DeusxMac - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Quotedavester Although I loathe him and what he is going to do to so many innocent people, I also pity him. He is a pathetic shell of a man, drowning in pathological narcissism, wanting so much to be respected and accepted, while knowing that all of his low life hand-picked sycophants laugh at him behind his back and none either respect or accept him. He spends every minute striking out at the woby DeusxMac - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
QuoteSteve G. "They think he is insane. Yet he outranks them" Hero or Hophead?by DeusxMac - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Quotegabester I feel like I missed this whole thread. I understood the starting context of all the media hype about the drones over New Jersey... but the rest went right over my head. You need to be familiar with Air Force General Curtis Goatheart .by DeusxMac - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Quotedecay Dopius Maximus Gluteus maximusby DeusxMac - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Quotefreeradical Goodwill stores have been worthless since they started their own online auction site years and years ago. I suspect most people aren’t aware they used to stress they were Goodwill INDUSTRIES; highly publicizing their “mission” was to give the “handicapped” a purpose by training them to repair and sell donated items. Their slogan was “Help the handicapped help themseby DeusxMac - Tips and Deals
QuoteLemon Drop Quotepdq QuoteLemon Drop I don't see hypocrisy here on anyone's part. I see nothing but cruelty in doing some sort of "hey, look at this guy" to Ian Cramer. There was no reason for his case to make national news apart from the verdict and sentencing. And it only did so because his Dad is a Senator. A fact that clearly never helped Ian at all. …and there wasby DeusxMac - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Quotesteve... QuoteRick-o Australia? That's the vibe I got too. Very good New Year's Eve Coasters for under a dollar. It’s Australian Aboriginal/Papunya Tula dot painting styleby DeusxMac - Tips and Deals
Quotespecial I get the sarcasm, but I don't like the subject of this post. Some MAGA moron will see it in their google search and then spread it like it's the truth.by DeusxMac - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Quotegabester Jan 19th, Biden can declare war on Russia and all of this nonsense goes away. Anyone who has acted in cahoots with any of Putin's agents around the world can be taken down - without direct conflict with the Russkies - and Chump can't just walk it back and blame a doddering old man. Well, actually, no. For a formal "declaration of war" Congress would need to approve.by DeusxMac - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
QuoteGGD I'm seeing a bit of a family resemblance, maybe a distant cousin. Well they both have some green paint on them, and they both have four wheels and windows...by DeusxMac - Tips and Deals
The grift NEVER ends! From an outfit named "Survival Constitution" "We believe that Self-Reliance takes on many forms, whether you prefer the practical outdoor survival techniques of the Boy Scouts, dream of being a Navy SEAL, or use The Walking Dead as a practical How-To guide for the future – we support you!" Offering just three products (and this glass): &qby DeusxMac - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Of course, Johnson has been more than sufficiently obsequious for CFDT’s imperial approval.by DeusxMac - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
How could you know what songs are OURS, and how could we know what song of OURS has been on YOUR mind and playlist?by DeusxMac - Tips and Deals
QuoteFritz quite the opposite of Stephen Hawking ...or The Danish Girl.by DeusxMac - Tips and Deals
Quotevision63 But too many Indians like this guy had a fundamental problem. His Party’s treatment of African Americans was cool. The racist lies about Haitians were cool. Calling Puerto Ricans trash was cool. Calling Mexicans rapists was cool. Attacking trans children was cool. All the bigotry against the LGBTQ+ community was cool. Letting women suffer and die fromby DeusxMac - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Haven't had it for decades, but Lebanon Bologna is GOOD!by DeusxMac - Tips and Deals
QuoteFritz what about and I don't believe those videos are of the "Sundowners" of the 1960s. These guys... "The Sundowners were a small time band who formed in New York State in the mid 60s. I supposed their biggest claim to fame was being chosen as the opening act and back up band (for the solo spots of the concert) for the Monkees 1967 summer tour. Some of the members oby DeusxMac - Tips and Deals
Meh. Grand Rapids mayor is a Democrat. Just more "fake news" to persecute the beloved Orange Emperor.by DeusxMac - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
QuoteCarnos Jax Pay American engineers more and you’ll have more of them going to school for it. Elmo and Company just want cheap, easy slave labor. That's the rub. They can pay equally qualified foreign engineers less for the same quantity and quality of work. Shareholders would have their heads on pikes if they "wasted" money on American engineers.by DeusxMac - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
The not-so-famous psychedelic rock bands*; Electric Prunes, Blues Magoos, Strawberry Alarm Clock; even Ted Nugent with the Amboy Dukes *Given that the Beatles and other more well known groups were “experimenting” in their music at the same timeby DeusxMac - Tips and Deals
If you don’t watch the clever visuals, and merely listen to it; meh.by DeusxMac - Tips and Deals
Equally useful.by DeusxMac - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
iPod Classic (2008) providing music for 2016 car.by DeusxMac - Tips and Deals
QuoteFritz is on 3 lists of 2025 destinations. More than any other destination. Coincidence? I think not. Citation? A cursory search of recommended-for-2025 lists, it doesn’t appear to be that universally recommended at all, let alone third highest.by DeusxMac - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
Quoteanonymouse1 The Greek hero Heracles is pronounced more or less like "Heart-klees). XWhere are you getting that from?? Her-e-cles “hair-eh-kleez”* Three syllables; no “t” sound whatsoever. *Forum can’t handle pronunciation symbologyby DeusxMac - Tips and Deals
Biopic - accent on the first syllable - BI-o-pic Myopic - accent on the second syllable - my-O-picby DeusxMac - Tips and Deals
Just more “Look! A squirrel!” to distract and entertain his “poorly educated” idolaters.by DeusxMac - 'Friendly' Political Ranting
QuoteBernie Powered by Renault. Some of those wins were Powered by Renault As stated above… QuoteRenault engines have powered 11 championship cars, Ferrari have powered 16! Even Ford has powered 10! And, Honda Formula One has powered 7 championship cars, including just last year's Red Bull team.by DeusxMac - Tips and Deals